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Left join a query with a cross apply

Not really sure whether I can left join the results that I get from a cross apply function:

select iv.invoiceno ,w.warehouse ,iv.invoicedate ,iv.invoicedesc ,iv.status ,iv.billingstart as [BillingFrom] ,iv.billingend as [BillingTo] ,CAST((iv.invoicesubtotal) as NUMERIC(38,2))as [Sub-Total]  ,CAST((((iv.invoicesubtotal+iv.invoicetax)-iv.invoicetotal)) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [Discount] ,CAST((iv.invoicetax) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [SalesTax] ,CAST((iv.invoicetotal) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [Total] ,d.deal ,d.dealno ,ivt.orderno  ,ivt.rectype     ,ivt.rectypedisplay                                 ,RTRIM(ivt.masterno) as [ICode]                                ,ivt.description as [ICodeDesc]                             ,ivt.fromdate as [From]                                 ,ivt.todate as [To]                                   ,CAST((ivt.days ) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [days]                                   ,CAST(ivt.qty as NUMERIC(38,0)) as [qty]                                   ,CAST((ivt.cost) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [UnitCost]                                    ,CAST((ivt.rate) as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [rate]                                       ,CAST((ivt.daysinwk)as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [D/W]                               ,CAST((ivt.discountamt)as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [Discount]                              ,CAST((ivt.extended)as NUMERIC(38,2)) as [extended]                                ,(CASE WHEN ivt.taxable='T' then 'YES' else 'NO' END)as [Taxable] ,ivt.category ,(CASE WHEN (ivt.cost > 0 and ivt.rectype='R') THEN CAST((ivt.revenuebase) as NUMERIC (38,2)) ELSE 0 END) as [subrevenue]  from invoice iv inner join deal d                                   on d.dealid=iv.dealid inner join invoiceitemview ivt                      on iv.invoiceid=ivt.invoiceid and iv.invoiceno=ivt.invoiceno inner join warehouse w                              on w.locationid=iv.locationid and w.inactive<>'T' left join category c                                on c.categoryid=ivt.categoryid  left join ordernoteview n                           on ivt.orderid=n.orderid and n.billing ='T'  where iv.locationid='00009V5H' and iv.invoiceno='H513369' and iv.status in ('CLOSED', 'PROCESSED') and iv.nocharge<>'T'         order by iv.invoiceno, iv.invoicedate,c.category,ivt.masterno 

I wanted to add a left join with this query:

select  tot.gldate, tot.glno, tot.glacctdesc,                      tot.debit,tot.credit,tot.glaccountid                       from invoice ivt cross apply dbo.funcglforinvoice(ivt.invoiceid, null, null) as tot where ivt.invoiceno='H513369' 

but when I do that it gives me way more records then there are supposed to be.

This has been executing for a while. Basically the inner cross apply query generates 204 items and I wanted that to be left join with the items from the main query; but I am doing something wrong not sure what exactly. Help will be appreciated.

like image 712
Masa Rumi Avatar asked Feb 19 '13 20:02

Masa Rumi

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When to use cross Apply vs join?

In simple terms, a join relies on self-sufficient sets of data, i.e. sets should not depend on each other. On the other hand, CROSS APPLY is only based on one predefined set and can be used with another separately created set. A worked example should help with understanding this difference.

What does cross apply join on?

The CROSS APPLY operator is semantically similar to INNER JOIN operator. It retrieves those records from the table valued function and the table being joined, where it finds matching rows between the two.

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OUTER APPLY resembles LEFT JOIN, but has an ability to join table-evaluated functions with SQL Tables. OUTER APPLY's final output contains all records from the left-side table or table-evaluated function, even if they don't match with the records in the right-side table or table-valued function.

What is cross apply in SQL Server with example?

CROSS APPLY in SQL Server CROSS APPLY returns only rows from the outer table that produce a result set from the table-valued function. It other words, result of CROSS APPLY doesn't contain any row of left side table expression for which no result is obtained from right side table expression.

1 Answers

Use OUTER APPLY. Also I'm not sure if the ON clause after the OUTER APPLY is really needed. If the invoiceid is the same coming out as going in then probably not.

Select iv.invoiceno, iv.invoiceitem,iv.invoiceno    from invoice iv inner join deal d         on d.dealid=iv.dealid inner join invoiceitemview ivt         on iv.invoiceid=ivt.invoiceid and iv.invoiceno=ivt.invoiceno inner join warehouse w         on w.locationid=iv.locationid and w.inactive<>'T' left join category c         on c.categoryid=ivt.categoryid  left join ordernoteview n         on ivt.orderid=n.orderid and n.billing ='T' OUTER APPLY dbo.funcglforinvoice(iv.invoiceid, null, null) as tot 
like image 76
Kenneth Fisher Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Kenneth Fisher