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How can I resolve data for all states with Angular UI Router?

In my application every route requires that account data has been retrieved from my API prior to rendering. To accomplish this, I do the following using ngRoute:

$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(event, next, current) {
    next.$$route.resolve = next.$$route.resolve || {};

    next.$$route.resolve.authorizationCheck = function() {
        return deferredAccountData.promise;

So before each route, the authorizationCheck resolve, which returns a promise, must resolve. This works perfectly.

I'm now switching to using UI Router, and I need to preserve this functionality. What are some options for accomplishing this?

One option I can think of is using nested states and having all routes inherit resolves from a parent state. Though I'd prefer to not nest if possible. Are there any other options?

like image 956
Chad Johnson Avatar asked Feb 19 '15 22:02

Chad Johnson

2 Answers

You could resolve the data you want for multiple ui-router states in a parent state. The child state would then have this data as well.

.state('app', {
  url: "/",
  resolve: {
    authorizationCheck: function() {
       // Do your API checks or whatever
.state('app.somepage', {
  url: "/somepage",
  templateUrl: "partials/some.page.html",
  controller: function($scope) {


It would make more sense to have authorization checks within a Service though, so you might want to inject an Auth service in the main controller, and base states and availability on that.

like image 127
Hyra Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11


It all eventually depend on how you organize your routes, since you can inherit routes and provide resolve clause for each child and the parents, but you also have stateChangestart stateChangeSuccess events that will allow you to do something similar to that. for further assistance please provide samples of your routes

like image 28
Dayan Moreno Leon Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11

Dayan Moreno Leon