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How do I create a partial in Ember?

I cannot put it more simply. I just want a step-by-step guide of how to create a handlebars partial in ember.js. I cannot find a proper one anywhere!!

  • Where should partials be saved?
  • How do I pass arguments to a partial?
  • Do I need an underscore at the beginning of my filename?
  • How do I register the partial?
  • What is the correct way to render a partial and what is the difference between {{> partialname}} and {{partial partialname}}
like image 651
Marco Prins Avatar asked Jan 22 '15 10:01

Marco Prins

1 Answers

{{partial 'templateName'}} is an Ember aware helper. Please disregard Handlebar's partial syntax {> name} when working with Ember.

Partials used to need an underscore at the beginning of their name, although this limitation is no longer true (https://github.com/emberjs/website/pull/1917)

Partials have access to current template context and they do not take arguments. Please use {{render 'contextName' optionalContextData}} for passing arguments.

Read docs from Ember v1.13 on render vs view vs partial helpers.

Please be aware that partials will soon be deprecated in favour of components, which are the preferred solution.

You don't have to register partials and they can reside anywhere as long as Ember can find them as templates.

like image 191
Pooyan Khosravi Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 17:10

Pooyan Khosravi