I need to replicate memcached to another key value system (couchbase). How can I query the contents of a memcached server to get a list of what is in there so that I can copy it over?
All these solutions for Memcache so here's for Memcached
function getMemcachedKeys($host = '', $port = 11211)
$mem = @fsockopen($host, $port);
if ($mem === FALSE) return -1;
// retrieve distinct slab
$r = @fwrite($mem, 'stats items' . chr(10));
if ($r === FALSE) return -2;
$slab = array();
while (($l = @fgets($mem, 1024)) !== FALSE) {
// sortie ?
$l = trim($l);
if ($l == 'END') break;
$m = array();
// <STAT items:22:evicted_nonzero 0>
$r = preg_match('/^STAT\sitems\:(\d+)\:/', $l, $m);
if ($r != 1) return -3;
$a_slab = $m[1];
if (!array_key_exists($a_slab, $slab)) $slab[$a_slab] = array();
// recuperer les items
foreach ($slab AS $a_slab_key => &$a_slab) {
$r = @fwrite($mem, 'stats cachedump ' . $a_slab_key . ' 100' . chr(10));
if ($r === FALSE) return -4;
while (($l = @fgets($mem, 1024)) !== FALSE) {
// sortie ?
$l = trim($l);
if ($l == 'END') break;
$m = array();
// ITEM 42 [118 b; 1354717302 s]
$r = preg_match('/^ITEM\s([^\s]+)\s/', $l, $m);
if ($r != 1) return -5;
$a_key = $m[1];
$a_slab[] = $a_key;
// close
// transform it;
$keys = array();
foreach ($slab AS &$a_slab) {
foreach ($a_slab AS &$a_key) $keys[] = $a_key;
return $keys;
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