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Get application environment constant in Zend Framework

i am new to Zend Framework and i want to know how to get the application environment in my controller.

I read in a forum to use: echo getenv('APPLICATION_ENV'); but it does not work.

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shasi kanth Avatar asked Mar 02 '11 16:03

shasi kanth

2 Answers

Since APPLICATION_ENV is a constant, you can access it simply with:


But the question is why would you need it in your controller.

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Vika Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10


There is another way to get the environment name. It's a little more OO-friendly for those of us who prefer to avoid globally defined constants, but I'm not quite sure how to get at it:

$myEnvName = $zendApplicationInstance->getEnvironment();

The question here is how to get the reference to $myEnvName -- suggestions welcome.

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Memethief Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10
