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How can I programmatically pin an application on a StartMenu in Windows 7

I am doing a major upgrade, therefore, if the user has pinned the application on the StartMenu before the upgrade, the user will lose it after the upgrade.

So I have created a custom action in the installer to programmatically create a shortcut to the application in the Start Menu folder. However, that change does not seem to be reflected on the actual StartMenu. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is? Is this only a one way notification (i.e. from the StartMenu to the folder, but not vice versa?)

Many thanks.

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RKM Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 18:12


1 Answers

It is not possible to programmatically pin applications to the Start Menu. This is a design decision Microsoft has made, fueled mainly by programs that kept insisting they wanted front row seats on what ultimately is the user's establishment.

I realize that your purpose here is benevolent since you only intend to do this if the application was already pinned there, but Windows has no way of knowing that.

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Jon Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 20:09
