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How can I make my ngx-line-chart responsive?

I'm using ngx-admin and I'm trying to make my ngx-line-chart responsive.

My chart is in a nb-card, and when I resize the window the nb-card is totaly responsive. So I want my chart to be resized to fit inside the nb-card.

My html code:

<div style="margin: 100px auto auto">     <nb-card>         <nb-card-header>XXXXXXXXXX</nb-card-header>             <nb-card-body>                 <ngx-line-chart></ngx-line-chart>             </nb-card-body>     </nb-card> </div> 

my component:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';  @Component({     selector: 'ngx-line-chart',     template: `     <ngx-charts-line-chart       [scheme]="colorScheme"       [results]="multi"       [xAxis]="showXAxis"       [yAxis]="showYAxis"       [showXAxisLabel]="showXAxisLabel"       [showYAxisLabel]="showYAxisLabel"       [xAxisLabel]="xAxisLabel"       [yAxisLabel]="yAxisLabel">     </ngx-charts-line-chart>   `, }) export class LineChartComponent {     showXAxis = true;     showYAxis = true;     showXAxisLabel = true;     xAxisLabel = 'Date';     showYAxisLabel = true;     yAxisLabel = 'Services effectués';     colorScheme = {         domain: ['blue'],     };     themeSubscription: any;     multi = [         {             name: 'Services effectués',             series: [                 {                     name: '01/01/2019',                     value: 156,                 },                 {                     name: '02/01/2019',                     value: 134,                 },                 {                     name: '03/01/2019',                     value: 140,                 },                 {                     name: '04/01/2019',                     value: 167,                 },                 {                     name: '05/01/2019',                     value: 158,                 },                 {                     name: '06/01/2019',                     value: 178,                 },                 {                     name: '07/01/2019',                     value: 310,                 },             ],         },     ];      constructor() {     } } 

I already try to get the screen size to change my chart size with the screen size but it wasn't perfectly responsive. To change the size of the chart I can use a variable view=[x, y]. I read in the ngx-line-chart documentation that if no size is defined the chart fit to his container, but in my case it doesn't work.

Thank you for your help !

like image 230
Loufi Avatar asked Sep 28 '18 09:09


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1) To change the chart size when the window is resized: To change the chart's size I used a "onResize(event)" method. This method take in parameter the window resize event. In this method I simply get the width of the window, I divide it by a ratio (in my case it's 1.35) and I assign it to the width of my chart.

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Pointers when creating or adapting Custom ChartsTo develop new charts, start by building the shell in the demo project first. If you start by copying an existing chart from src (recommended), be sure to rename your new component(s) and their selectors, as well as the module that contains them (if applicable).

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It's open-source and maintained by Swimlane. NGX-Charts does not merely wrap d3, nor any other chart engine for that matter. It is using Angular to render and animate the SVG elements with all of its binding and speed goodness and uses d3 for the excellent math functions, scales, axis and shape generators, etc.

2 Answers

After some research I found the solution to my problem.

1) To change the chart size when the window is resized:

To change the chart's size I used a "onResize(event)" method. This method take in parameter the window resize event. In this method I simply get the width of the window, I divide it by a ratio (in my case it's 1.35) and I assign it to the width of my chart.

onResize(event) method:

// view is the variable used to change the chart size (Ex: view = [width, height])  onResize(event) {     this.view = [event.target.innerWidth / 1.35, 400]; } 

My html template:

<ngx-charts-line-chart   (window:resize)="onResize($event)"   [scheme]="colorScheme"   [results]="multi"   [xAxis]="showXAxis"   [yAxis]="showYAxis"   [showXAxisLabel]="showXAxisLabel"   [showYAxisLabel]="showYAxisLabel"   [xAxisLabel]="xAxisLabel"   [yAxisLabel]="yAxisLabel"   [view]="view"> </ngx-charts-line-chart> 

2) To change the chart size on different device:

To change the chart's size on different device I have to define the size of the chart into the constructor. I get the window size and like for "window resize" i divide it by a ratio and i assign it to "view".

My constructor:

constructor() {     this.view = [innerWidth / 1.3, 400]; } 

This answer work for me. I hope it will help you.

like image 193
Loufi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 14:10


I came up with a better & simple solution for this :


<div #containerRef class="card-body">   <ngx-charts-line-chart     [view]="[containerRef.offsetWidth, 400]"     [scheme]="colorScheme"     [legend]="legend"     [showXAxisLabel]="showXAxisLabel"     [showYAxisLabel]="showYAxisLabel"     [xAxis]="xAxis"     [yAxis]="yAxis"     [timeline]="timeline"     [results]="_lineChartData"   >   </ngx-charts-line-chart> </div> 

Makes It responsive as per container's width.


if you want to make it responsive as of container for both height & width :

<div #containerRef class="card-body">  <ngx-charts-line-chart    [view]="[containerRef.offsetWidth, containerRef.offsetHeight]"    [scheme]="colorScheme"    [legend]="legend"    [showXAxisLabel]="showXAxisLabel"    [showYAxisLabel]="showYAxisLabel"    [xAxis]="xAxis"    [yAxis]="yAxis"    [timeline]="timeline"    [results]="_lineChartData"  >  </ngx-charts-line-chart> </div> 
like image 39
Parth Developer Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 16:10

Parth Developer