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Angular 2 innerHTML (click) binding



I had such a large html menu that I decided to binding to be able to make several submenu dropdown and avoid html code duplication. Parent > child (which is parent too) > child...

For the context : In ng2_msList/msList.components.ts, ColumnsManagements.ts is imported as this.ColumnsManagementInstance. The innerHTML menu is displayed properly, in ng2_msList/pages/list.html :

<!-- COLUMNS DROPDOWN BUTTON --> <ul [innerHTML]="msList.ColumnsManagementInstance.columnMenu" class="dropdown-menu" role="menu"> </ul> 

With (in a very simplified version of my code) : (Thanks to this Stack Q)

setHtmlColumnsMenu() {      var self = this;      var htmlcolumnsmenu = '';      [...]      htmlcolumnsmenu += this.createColumnsList(this.getNoneRelationalColumns(true));       // which return something like a lot of html content and sometime in it :       // <a href="javascript:;" (click)="msList.ColumnsManagementInstance.toogleColumn(column)">      [...]      return htmlcolumnsmenu; } 

BUT (click)="msList.ColumnsManagementInstance.toogleColumn(column)" (previously in the html content) is not working anymore. It's writing in the view as simple text in tag (before the innerHtml it was not displayed).

I can't reach a way to make it works again. I test multiple ways to call the function or as I found in web links as on the Ang Doc Section, here for example. These examples call a function which is set in the same file/context very easily (click)="MyAction()" but with my context I can't get a way to call it properly.

The app architecture is maybe be not as Angular2 click call would expect.

like image 322
Paul Leclerc Avatar asked Jun 07 '16 10:06

Paul Leclerc

1 Answers

That's by design. Angular doesn't process HTML added by [innerHTML]="..." (except sanitization) in any way. It just passes it to the browser and that's it.

If you want to add HTML dynamically that contains bindings you need to wrap it in a Angular2 component, then you can add it using for example ViewContainerRef.createComponent()

For a full example see Angular 2 dynamic tabs with user-click chosen components

A less Angulary way would be to inject ElementRef, accessing the added HTML using

like image 56
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Günter Zöchbauer