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How can I know if a process is running?





People also ask

How do you check if a process is running or not in Linux?

You can list running processes using the ps command (ps means process status). The ps command displays your currently running processes in real-time.

Which command is used to know if the process is running?

Any time the system is running, processes are also running. You can use the ps command to find out which processes are running and display information about those processes.

This is a way to do it with the name:

Process[] pname = Process.GetProcessesByName("notepad");
if (pname.Length == 0)

You can loop all process to get the ID for later manipulation:

Process[] processlist = Process.GetProcesses();
foreach(Process theprocess in processlist){
   Console.WriteLine("Process: {0} ID: {1}", theprocess.ProcessName, theprocess.Id);

This is the simplest way I found after using reflector. I created an extension method for that:

public static class ProcessExtensions
    public static bool IsRunning(this Process process)
        if (process == null) 
            throw new ArgumentNullException("process");

        catch (ArgumentException)
            return false;
        return true;

The Process.GetProcessById(processId) method calls the ProcessManager.IsProcessRunning(processId) method and throws ArgumentException in case the process does not exist. For some reason the ProcessManager class is internal...

Synchronous solution :

void DisplayProcessStatus(Process process)
    process.Refresh();  // Important


Asynchronous solution:

void RegisterProcessExit(Process process)
    // NOTE there will be a race condition with the caller here
    //   how to fix it is left as an exercise
    process.Exited += process_Exited;

static void process_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e)
   Console.WriteLine("Process has exited.");

This should be a one-liner:

public static class ProcessHelpers {
    public static bool IsRunning (string name) => Process.GetProcessesByName(name).Length > 0;