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How can I get the time it takes a function to test the performance of functions in Kotlin


I need to check how long does a function need to run. I have the following functions which address the same task:


fun mixAnimalsA(a1: Animal, a2: Animal) =         when (setOf(a1, a2)) {             setOf(Animal.OWL, Animal.Leopard) -> Beast.OWLPARD             setOf(Animal.ELEPHANT, Animal.BUTTERFLY) -> Beast.BUTTERPHANT             else -> throw Exception("Not possible combination")         } 


fun mixAnimalsB(a1: Animal, a2: Animal) =         when (setOf(a1, a2)) {             (c1 == Animal.OWL && c2 == Animal.Leopard) ||                     (c2 == Animal.OWL && c1 == Animal.Leopard) -> Beast.OWLPARD             (c1 == Animal.ELEPHANT && c2 == Animal.BUTTERFLY) ||                     (c2 == Animal.ELEPHANT && c1 == Animal.BUTTERFLY)-> Beast.BUTTERPHANT             else -> throw Exception("Not possible combination")         } 

Animal and Beast are enumerations. How can I measure how long each function takes to run?

like image 634
lmiguelvargasf Avatar asked May 21 '17 16:05


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2 Answers

If you're looking for an in-code solution, you can use measureTimeMillis and measureNanoTime, like this:

val time = measureTimeMillis {     // call your function here } 

They return the measured time in milliseconds and nanoseconds, respectively.

like image 76
zsmb13 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 16:11


Measure execution time and also keep the result

Standard Library

The standard library function measureTimedValue may be used to measure execution time and at the same time capture the result. This tuple of values is being exposed as a TimedValue(value: T, duration: Duration):

@ExperimentalTime fun main() {     val (result: String, duration: Duration) = measureTimedValue {         operation()     }          print("Got $result after ${duration.inMilliseconds} ms.") } 

Note that this API is experimental and requires explicit opt-in.

Obsolete custom implementation

(This used to be my answer before the standard lib was extended)

If you want to measure the execution time and also access the measured function's return value afterward, here's a custom solution:

inline fun <R> executeAndMeasureTimeMillis(block: () -> R): Pair<R, Long> {     val start = System.currentTimeMillis()     val result = block()     return result to (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) } 

You can call it like this:

val (response, duration) = executeAndMeasureTimeMillis {     restTemplate.getForObject<AnyObject>(uri) } 
like image 35
s1m0nw1 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 15:11
