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How can I get the active screen dimensions?




People also ask

What is the dimension of a screen?

The size of a screen is usually described by the length of its diagonal, which is the distance between opposite corners, usually in inches. It is also sometimes called the physical image size to distinguish it from the "logical image size," which describes a screen's display resolution and is measured in pixels.

How do I get the height of my screen in CSS?

It is not possible to get the height of the screen from CSS. However, using since CSS3 you can use media queries to control the display of the template as per the resolution. If you want to code on the basis of height using media queries, you can define style-sheet and call it like this.

How do you measure screen width in CSS?

Use the CSS3 Viewport-percentage feature. Assuming you want the body width size to be a ratio of the browser's view port. I added a border so you can see the body resize as you change your browser width or height. I used a ratio of 90% of the view-port size.

Screen.FromControl, Screen.FromPoint and Screen.FromRectangle should help you with this. For example in WinForms it would be:

class MyForm : Form
  public Rectangle GetScreen()
    return Screen.FromControl(this).Bounds;

I don't know of an equivalent call for WPF. Therefore, you need to do something like this extension method.

static class ExtensionsForWPF
  public static System.Windows.Forms.Screen GetScreen(this Window window)
    return System.Windows.Forms.Screen.FromHandle(new WindowInteropHelper(window).Handle);

You can use this to get desktop workspace bounds of the primary screen:


This is also useful for getting just the size of the primary screen:

System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenWidth System.Windows.SystemParameters.PrimaryScreenHeight

Also you may need:

  • SystemParameters.VirtualScreenWidth
  • SystemParameters.VirtualScreenHeight

to get the combined size of all monitors and not one in particular.

Adding a solution that doesn't use WinForms but NativeMethods instead. First you need to define the native methods needed.

public static class NativeMethods
    public const Int32 MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMERTY = 0x00000001;
    public const Int32 MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST = 0x00000002;

    [DllImport( "user32.dll" )]
    public static extern IntPtr MonitorFromWindow( IntPtr handle, Int32 flags );

    [DllImport( "user32.dll" )]
    public static extern Boolean GetMonitorInfo( IntPtr hMonitor, NativeMonitorInfo lpmi );

    [Serializable, StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )]
    public struct NativeRectangle
        public Int32 Left;
        public Int32 Top;
        public Int32 Right;
        public Int32 Bottom;

        public NativeRectangle( Int32 left, Int32 top, Int32 right, Int32 bottom )
            this.Left = left;
            this.Top = top;
            this.Right = right;
            this.Bottom = bottom;

    [StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto )]
    public sealed class NativeMonitorInfo
        public Int32 Size = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof( NativeMonitorInfo ) );
        public NativeRectangle Monitor;
        public NativeRectangle Work;
        public Int32 Flags;

And then get the monitor handle and the monitor info like this.

        var hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper( this ).EnsureHandle();
        var monitor = NativeMethods.MonitorFromWindow( hwnd, NativeMethods.MONITOR_DEFAULTTONEAREST );

        if ( monitor != IntPtr.Zero )
            var monitorInfo = new NativeMonitorInfo();
            NativeMethods.GetMonitorInfo( monitor, monitorInfo );

            var left = monitorInfo.Monitor.Left;
            var top = monitorInfo.Monitor.Top;
            var width = ( monitorInfo.Monitor.Right - monitorInfo.Monitor.Left );
            var height = ( monitorInfo.Monitor.Bottom - monitorInfo.Monitor.Top );