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How can I get syntastic error checking to work with OCaml?

Syntastic works for me in general (say, if I edit C/C++ files then I get syntax error notifications), but I can't get it to show syntax errors for OCaml.

My OCaml install seems fine otherwise, and the binaries that are mentioned in the header of Syntastic's ocaml.vim file are in my path.

Any ideas?

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Nicholas Meyer Avatar asked Jan 27 '13 00:01

Nicholas Meyer

1 Answers

The most likely reason is that none of the syntax checkers that it requires is installed. For example: python requires either flake8, pyflakes or pylint to be installed and in $PATH. To see which executables are supported, just look in syntax_checkers//*.vim. Note that aliases do not work; the actual executable must be available in your $PATH. Symbolic links are okay. You can see syntastic's idea of available checkers by running :SyntasticInfo.

Another reason it could fail is that either the command line options or the error output for a syntax checker may have changed. In this case, make sure you have the latest version of the syntax checker installed. If it still fails then create an issue - or better yet, create a pull request

Source: https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic

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Farooq Nasser Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Farooq Nasser