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How can I get Eclipse to store .class files in a folder outside the Project folder where I store the .java source files?

Per this question (see comments near the bottom), I was wondering if anyone knows any way to get Eclipse to store .class files in a folder of my choosing outside the project folder where the .java source files are stored. I have not seen an option to do this in the new project creation wizard, but my knowledge of Eclipse is quite limited. Thanks!

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Philip Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 11:02


1 Answers

If your Dropbox folder was outside of your Eclipse project you could link the source folder into Eclipse so that the class files would be maintained inside of Eclipse, but the source in your Dropbox folder would get your changes as well. Right click on the project select "Build Path", then "Link Source..."

This assumes you don't care about any of the other files associated with an Eclipse project (.classpath, .project, etc...).

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David Coutu Avatar answered Apr 12 '23 22:04

David Coutu