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reload java applet

i have a java applet in one html page, later, i modified the java code and regenerate the jar file. all i did is copy the jar file to my web server and brought up the browser to see the updated the appplet, but it still showed the old version. i tried refresh the browser, delete the cookies, still the same. i tried to open that html file by double clicking the file, it open it in browser with the right applet...i deployed the applet with jnlp. anyone knows what might go wrong? Thanks.

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ohana Avatar asked Feb 27 '23 12:02


1 Answers

Go to the Java control panel and clear the Java caches*. The Java plugin does not use your browser for downloading Jar files.

*: Temporary internet files - configuration - delete files

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Jonathan Feinberg Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 11:03

Jonathan Feinberg