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java sparse matrix problem

I have two dimensional matrix. My matrix is sparse. I am facing performance problem. Can any body please answer that what api or class i can use in java to handle sparse matrix to improve my program performance.

For example I want

it take 100x100 matrix
handle sparse stuff
do the multiplication
return me my matrix same as 100x100 with 0 ( mean sparse matrix )
like image 808
user238384 Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 12:02


1 Answers

Jama is awful for large sparse matrices.

Have a look at the Colt linear algebra library.

Another possibility for sparse linear algebra is the apache commons library. Might be a little lighter-weight than Colt but the difference from the look-and-feel of Jama might be a little larger.

like image 94
mob Avatar answered Mar 08 '23 14:03
