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How can I find which VIM plugin is guilty for overloading my CPU




I just done a fresh installation of Vim, and with this occasion I added some new plugins to my VIM configuration. The problem is that now, when I do the first change in the file, VIM blocks and one of my CPUs reach 100% load. This is also happening every now and then while I'm editing the file. This never happened in the previous configuration. How can I find what plugin is killing my CPU?

like image 878
sica07 Avatar asked Apr 13 '12 08:04


1 Answers

As an alternative to romainl's (nice and simple) trial-and-error approach:

I've done such once using vim's built-in profiler: :he profile.

You might need to compile vim by yourself to activate (profiling is not enabled in the default vim distribution).


:profile start filename

to activate profiling and write your profile data to filename, edit your file (which pushes the CPU to 100%), once done


to stop profiling. Quit vim and you'll find the profiling information written in filename.

like image 130
eckes Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
