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How can I find out all of the checked out files in TFS 2010?

We are using Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and TFS 2010 Enterprise on Windows Server 2008, R2. For an upcoming code freeze, I need to quickly check whether any developers have files checked out. Is there a way to do this which is built into TFS and/or Visual Studio 2010?

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Blanthor Avatar asked Aug 20 '13 20:08


People also ask

Where is the TFS checkin folder?

If your solution was in an unmapped location, you'd be prompted to specify folder locations in both TFS and your local file system. On the Source Control Explorer tab, in the Folders pane, right-click the team project (for example, ContactManager), and then click Check In Pending Changes.

How do you check a project in TFS?

In the Connect to Team Project dialog box, select the TFS instance you want to connect to, select the team project collection you want to add to, and then click Connect. In the Team Explorer window, right-click the team project collection, and then click New Team Project.

5 Answers

As an alternative to using the tf status command you can also install the TFS 2010 power tools.

You can then right click on any folder in Source Control Explorer and select "Find in source control" > "Status"

the default option is to find all checked out files in the path you have slected.

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James Reed Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

James Reed

For a built-in method, you can use the tf command line tool's status command.

Just open a Visual Studio command prompt from your start menu to use it. By default it lists the status of your own workspace but if you can figure out the command line you can list other people's workspaces too.


tf status /user:* /recursive should do what you want. If you run it in a locally-mapped folder you won't need to specify which files to search, or you can just include a filespec like tf status $/MyProject/SomeFolder/*.* /user:* /recursive

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Jason Williams Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Jason Williams

I know this is old, but none of the answers gave specific examples of how to make this work. So here is what I came up with (TFS Server 2008).

First, open the Visual Studio Developer command prompt.

Execute the following command:

tf status $/MyFolder /user:* /recursive

The form being:

tf status itemspec /user:username /recursive

The key is the /user:* parameter, which forces TFS to look at the server and determine all the checked out files in the path specified in the itemspec parameter. If you don't use the wildcard you will only see files you personally have checked out.

For the specific use case, you would want to put this in a file versus to screen so it would look like this:

tf status $/MyFolder /user:* /recursive > c:\MyPendingCheckouts.txt

Note I ran this with VS2012 command prompt.

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Shane K Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10

Shane K

  1. Right click on the top most folder that you want to start in
  2. Choose "Find In Source Control"
  3. Choose "Status"
  4. Check "Recursive"
  5. Check "Status"
  6. Enter userid in the "Display files checked out to:" box (i have to include my domain, i.e. domain\userid)
  7. Click "Find"
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Tina Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10


I find TFS Side Kicks useful for this. You can use the status side kick to look for checkouts.

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Christopher Painter Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 07:10

Christopher Painter