I've been programming every day for around 38 years, and have dabbled in a huge variety of languages and platforms, the best being ARM assembler in the early '90s. Glorious! Since then I've focussed on C, C++, and now C#. But now my phone has an ARM in it... hmmm... :-)
I do all this on my sluggish 3GHz quad-core, pining for the good old days when I had a blazingly fast 8MHz CPU and didn't have to wait all day for my word processor to display the next character :-)
Among many other things I have worked on the worlds fastest vector art package, many games including Douglas Adams' Starship Titanic and Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, and a subsea flight simulator. Currently I work on aerodynamics analysis software for Formula 1 and the Atomineer Pro Documentation Xml/Doxygen/Qt/JavaDoc extension for Visual Studio.