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How can I build in release in Visual Studio 2010 (C# Express)?

I'm used to VS2008, in which a release build would be built upon pressing F6, or in the menu Build > Build Solution.

The build menu is gone, and although I can build the solution (through F6), it only builds the debug.

I assume there is some kind of configuration manager now, but I can't find it anywhere.

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Lazlo Avatar asked Apr 16 '10 01:04


People also ask

How do you do release build in Visual Studio?

In Solution Explorer, right-click the project and choose Properties. In the side pane, choose Build (or Compile in Visual Basic). In the Configuration list at the top, choose Debug or Release. Select the Advanced button (or the Advanced Compile Options button in Visual Basic).

4 Answers

If you have no Build Menu in Visual Studio 2010 Express, go to the menu Tools -> Settings -> select 'Expert Settings'

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LoC Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


Right-click solution > Configuration manager. Sorry for not looking more before asking.

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Lazlo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


Also see this thread: How to switch between debug/release in Visual c# 2010 express

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Cygon Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10


Microsoft Visual C# 2010 express:

I hope you are facing a problem to get the build for release(.exe).

I hope the following steps will help you.Anyway i faced such a problem and solved by this.good luck.

Build > configuration manager > set active solution configuration to Release

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Dinil Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 08:10
