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How can I escape double curly braces in jinja2?




I need to escape double curly braces in a code I'm working on using Ansible. The thing is I have all those parameters that needs to be transformed in variables. Basically I'm working on a template creator.

I've tried using {% raw %}{{ name-of-variable }}{% endraw %} but it did not worked. When I tried /{/{ name-of-variable }} I almost got it, but I am trying to get rid of the backslashes too.

Here's a bit of the code:

    module: replace
    path: "/tmp/{{ ambiance }}/{{ seed }}DEFAULT.j2"
    regexp: "{{ item.regexp1 }}"
    replace: "{{ item.replace }}"
    - { regexp1: '^DBHOST.*$', replace: 'DBHOST = {% raw %}{{ databasehost }}{% endraw %}' }
    - { regexp1: '^GLOBALHOST.*$', replace: 'GLOBALHOST = {% raw %}{{ global_hostname }}{% endraw %}' }

I expect the result as it follows:

DBHOST = {{ satabasehost }}
GLOBALHOST = {{ global_hostname }}

Any suggestions/ideas?

like image 879
gr0gu3 Avatar asked Apr 01 '19 21:04


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1 Answers

{% raw %}{{ databasehost }}{% endraw %} should work.

You can also use {{ '{{ databasehost }}' }} as an alternative.

like image 163
blhsing Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09
