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Can't disable Ansible's host key checking

I'm using Ansible 1.5.4 to provision my Vagrant 1.4.3 box on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

I'm getting the following error message in verbose mode:


I can do: export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False and I have following lines in my ~/.ansible.cfg:

host_key_checking = False

But it doesn't help.

What could be the problem? Thank you!


I'm calling it directly like this (without using vagrant command):

ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i inventory.ini --user=vagrant --ask-pass -vvvv

The inventory is:

like image 847
Slava Fomin II Avatar asked May 06 '14 10:05

Slava Fomin II

People also ask

How do I disable strict host key in Ansible?

Host key checking is on by default. Disable it if you like by adding host_key_checking=False in the [default] section of /etc/ansible/ansible. cfg or ~/ansible. cfg or by exporting ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False.

What is host key Checking Ansible?

Ansible enables host key checking by default. Checking host keys guards against server spoofing and man-in-the-middle attacks, but it does require some maintenance. If a host is reinstalled and has a different key in 'known_hosts', this will result in an error message until corrected.

How do I ignore SSH authenticity in Ansible?

Two options - the first, as you said in your own answer, is setting the environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING to False. The second way to set it is to put it in an ansible. cfg file, and that's a really useful option because you can either set that globally (at system or user level, in /etc/ansible/ansible.

What is host key checking?

In host key checking, ssh automatically maintains and checks a database containing identification for all hosts it has ever been used with. Host keys are stored in ~/. ssh/known_hosts in the user's home directory. Additionally, the /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts file is automatically checked for known hosts.

1 Answers

You'll need to set it via the Vagrantfile of the project. When the Vagrant Ansible provisioner makes the call to ansible-playbook it always sets the value of the ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING environment variable.

Ansible itself takes the value of the environment variable if present. Therefore Vagrant will override the value used in your ansible.cfg.

Therefore you just need something like:

machine.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
  ansible.host_key_checking = false
  # etc.
like image 67
jabclab Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 05:10
