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Ansible: get files list from local directory



I use ansible 1.9.4 and I would like to get the list of files from a local directory.

In 2.0 version, there is the find module but this version is beta.

How to do this in < 2.0 ?

like image 921
Kiva Avatar asked Jan 14 '16 11:01


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3 Answers

Some time ago I was building an automation that required something like that - see Ansible send file to the first met destination.

Prior to ansible 2.0 there's no way to do this without using command or shell.

If you really can't upgrade to ansible 2.0, use the command module:

  directory: /path/to/dir


  - command: "ls {{directory}}"
    register: dir_out

  - debug: var={{item}}
    with_items: dir_out.stdout_lines
like image 138
Bernardo Vale Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10

Bernardo Vale

This is an example of listing all the files with .j2 extension in the directory templates and passing them to a module.

template: src="{{ item }}" dest="generated/{{ inventory_hostname }}/{{ item | basename | replace('.j2', '')}}"
  with_fileglob: templates/*.j2
like image 34
user43731 Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10


Now there is a find module you can use. Example: show folders with name starting with "ansible" and location /tmp, so /tmp/ansible*

- name: ls -d /tmp/ansible*
    paths: /tmp
    patterns: "ansible*"
    recurse: no
    file_type: directory
  register: found_directories

- debug:
    msg: "{{ [item.path] }} "
  with_items: "{{ found_directories.files }}"
like image 8
Peter De Zwart Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10

Peter De Zwart