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How can I download the examples from twitter bootstrap website [closed]

I'm following a tutorial in which the authors says to download the "Basic Marketing website" template from the twitter bootstrap website: http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/index.html

I see the example in the example section, but I can't figure out how can I download it. The author says it will be a hero.html file.

Can you please help me here? Thanks.

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user2471133 Avatar asked Jun 18 '13 22:06


People also ask

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Is Twitter, Bootstrap the same as Bootstrap?

There's no difference. Twitter Bootstrap was the official name for version 1.0 (Twitter Bootstrap). Later the name has been shortened.

What is Twitter, Bootstrap used for?

Bootstrap is a toolkit from Twitter designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.

Where can I download bootstrap?

You can download Bootstrap from their official website. You can either download Bootstrap containing only the CSS and JS file or download the entire source files. You can also include Bootstrap via CDN which is a good way to make your website load faster. How Do I Start Using Bootstrap?

What is Twitter Bootstrap?

Twitter Bootstrap or simply Bootstrap is an open-source HTML, CSS and JavaScript Framework that is used in front-end web development. Bootstrap has an authoritative presence in the front-end development world with hundreds of thousands of websites including some really popular website built based on the framework.

How to use bootstrap in HTML markup?

After downloading Bootstrap, in the basic HTML markup, you need to include the Bootstrap CSS file in the head tags and Bootstrap JavaScript and jQuery just before the closing body tag. And that’s it. You are good to go.

What are the Best Websites built with bootstrap?

One of the greatest fashion magazines, Vogue, has built its website with Bootstrap. We think they’ve done a great job creating their online presence! 10. Strohl This design agency website looks great! We like their simple look and structure; and also the amazing work that they do. 11. Apple maps connect

2 Answers

You will find it in the full download at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/tree/master

The examples are in the /site/content/docs/[version]/examples folder

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jtheman Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10


The new updated path is as mentioned below:

The examples are in /docs/examples/ in a full download of the Bootstrap source code

Thanks @cvrebert (http://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/13196) for providing the new path.

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ravk Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10
