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How can I convert an integer to hex with a fix length in Javascript?

I want to convert an Integer to a hex-string with a fix length in JavaScript

For example I want to convert 154 to hex with a length of 4 digits (009A). I can't figure out a proper way to do that.

like image 824
kenzie Avatar asked Feb 21 '17 13:02


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How do you convert a number to hexadecimal?

Go through the steps given below to learn how to convert the numbers from decimal to hex. Step 1: First, divide the decimal number by 16, considering the number as an integer. Step 2: Keep aside the remainder. Step 3: Again divide the quotient by 16 and repeat till you get the quotient value equal to zero.

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2 Answers

Number.prototype.toString() can convert a number to hexadecimal when 16 is passed as the argument (base 16):

new Number(154).toString(16) //'9A'

However, this will not have leading zeroes. If you wish to prepend the leading zeroes you can provide a string of 4 zeroes '0000' to concatenate with '9A', then use slice to grab just the last 4 characters:

var value = 154;
var hex = ('0000' + value.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4); //009A

The sequence of events is displayed like this:

154 -> '9a' -> '9A' -> '00009A' -> '009A'
like image 55
hackerrdave Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 09:10


You could add some zeroes and use String#slice for the stringed number.

var value = 154,
    string = ('0000' + value.toString(16).toUpperCase()).slice(-4);

With String#padStart

var value = 154,
    string = value.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4, 0);
like image 25
Nina Scholz Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10

Nina Scholz