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How can I choose between 32-bit or 64-bit build in C# Express?

I'm having a problem when I try to build my solution in C# Express 2008. I need to build it for 32-bit architecture, but it always build for 64-bit. In Visual Studio 2008 I can choose the architecture, but I can't find this option in C# Express.

Is there a way to do this in C# Express?

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HoNgOuRu Avatar asked Sep 07 '10 18:09


People also ask

How do I choose 32-bit or 64-bit?

Look for the System Type option under the Item column on the right side of System Information. In the Value column, the associated value tells you which type of CPU the computer has in it. If the System Type value includes "x86" in it, the CPU is 32-bit. If the System Type value includes "x64" in it, the CPU is 64-bit.

How do I choose between X86 and X64?

In the right pane, look at the System Type entry. For a 32-bit version operating system, it will say X86-based PC. For a 64-bit version, you'll see X64-based PC.

2 Answers

Have a look at what the differences look like in the project file in the full Visual Studio, and hand-craft the same edits to your C# Express project - VS will respect those changes, even if it won't let you make them from within the IDE.

EDIT: As Jeff points out in the comments, if you go to Tools -> Options, tick the "Show all settings" box at the bottom left. Then under "Projects and solutions" tick "Show advanced build configurations". That will let you edit a lot more build options, including the target architecture. You may need to go through the Configuration Manager and create a "New Project Platform" however.

Even when you've done this, bear the first paragraph in mind for other options which simply aren't available within C# Express: it's still using the same build engine (msbuild) underneath, so as long as it isn't using any tooling specific to more powerful versions (e.g. the static checker for Code Contracts, only available for Premium and Ultimate) you should be fine.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Jon Skeet

Look at this question:

How to switch between debug and release in Visual C# 2010 Express?

Following same approch suggested there, you will be able to set architecture for your program in Express editions. The problem it's that,by default some "advanced" options are disabled in Express editions, but you can easyly re-eanble them.

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Andrea Parodi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 12:09

Andrea Parodi