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How can I change the Python colours in Vim?





Can anyone tell me how to change the Python colors in Vim. I've seen the following syntax but I'm not sure how to make it permanent.

:hi pythonComment ctermfg=2 gui=italic guifg=#408010
like image 226
felix001 Avatar asked Aug 08 '12 11:08


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After typing the command, press “Tab”. This will open a list of all the available color schemes. If you keep pressing “Tab”, Vim will cycle through all of them.

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The command to enable syntax highlighting in vim is :syntax on , if you want it to be active everytime you launch vim, just add a line containing syntax on in your . vimrc file. maybe your vim doesn't have filetype detection enabled, try adding filetype on to your .

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The ctermfg=white is used to set the foreground color to white in a terminal text editor. Finally, the ctermbg=black is used to set the background color to black in a terminal text editor.

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Some color schemes are already installed on your system. You can find those color schemes in the /usr/share/vim/vim*/colors directory as . vim extension.

1 Answers

You can just put it in your .vimrc file. (Without the leading :, as favoretti mentioned.)

like image 193
JAB Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10