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How can I capture Direct Message via Instagram API?



I searched the api instagram if there is any method to return the direct messages, and found nothing. Can you tell if there is something, or if it is not possible? Instagram does not offer? Or I can do programmatically? I need capture direct message, is possible?

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Mayron Avatar asked Jun 22 '16 03:06


People also ask

How do you automate direct messages on Instagram?

If you use Direct Message to send automated Instagram messages, the first step is to activate the “Instagram Auto Message” option. The second step is to go to the “Direct Messages” tab and click on the “New message” button. A window where you can write your message will open.

1 Answers

There is no Instagram API for direct messages, and since it's been almost 4 years now, I guess there won't be any. You may be able to use the Instagram node.js Private API library or the Instagram PHP Private API library.

I have to warn you though, that I did try to use the PHP library and Instagram didn't allow sending of direct messages, no matter how much hacking I tried to make it work. But maybe this was just me...

If you are able to use node.js, it seems that Thread.configureText can be used for sending direct messages on the node.js library.

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Chris Michaelides Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 12:09

Chris Michaelides