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Receiving "400 Bad Request" for /oauth/access_token

I have approved for public_content clientId. To get access token, I send a request to www.instagram.com:

GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=MyClientId&redirect_uri=MyRedirectURL&response_type=code&scope=likes+comments+public_content HTTP/1.1`

After authentication, the browser redirects me to MyRedirectURL and I can get the code from the URL.

With this code I send a request to api.instagram.com:

/oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1


But sometimes I get response HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request. This situation continues for a few hours, and sometimes for a day. It is interesting that the problem is very unstable. I may have two client apps that make identical requests, and one app will work fine, while the other will fail at the same time. Looks like it is a problem somewhere in the Instagram infrastructure.

like image 897
Stanislav Kychanov Avatar asked Jun 17 '16 12:06

Stanislav Kychanov

1 Answers

Instagram is no longer supporting custom schemas for your callback urls. That was my problem, I changed it to https and the problem was solved.

like image 133
Will Jayne Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Will Jayne