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How can I calculate the loss without the weight decay in Keras?



I defined a convolutional layer and also use the L2 weight decay in Keras.

When I define the loss in the model.fit(), has all the weight decay loss been included in this loss? If the weight decay loss has been included in the total loss, how can I get the loss without this weight decay during the training?

I want to investigate the loss without the weight decay, while I want this weight decay to attend this training.

like image 440
Kevin Sun Avatar asked Sep 24 '17 08:09

Kevin Sun

People also ask

How is keras loss calculated?

Loss calculation is based on the difference between predicted and actual values. If the predicted values are far from the actual values, the loss function will produce a very large number. Keras is a library for creating neural networks.

Is weight decay the same as L2 regularization?

L2 regularization is often referred to as weight decay since it makes the weights smaller. It is also known as Ridge regression and it is a technique where the sum of squared parameters, or weights of a model (multiplied by some coefficient) is added into the loss function as a penalty term to be minimized.

How do I create a custom loss function in keras?

Creating custom loss functions in Keras A custom loss function can be created by defining a function that takes the true values and predicted values as required parameters. The function should return an array of losses. The function can then be passed at the compile stage.

How do you use weight decay in keras?

To get global weight decay in keras regularizers have to be added to every layer in the model. In my models these layers are batch normalization (beta/gamma regularizer) and dense/convolutions (W_regularizer/b_regularizer) layers. Layer wise regularization is described here: (https://keras.io/regularizers/).

1 Answers

Yes, weight decay losses are included in the loss value printed on the screen.

The value you want to monitor is the total loss minus the sum of regularization losses.

  • The total loss is just model.total_loss .
  • The regularization losses are collected in the list model.losses.

The following lines can be found in the source code of model.compile():

# Add regularization penalties
# and other layer-specific losses.
for loss_tensor in self.losses:
    total_loss += loss_tensor

To get the loss without weight decay, you can reverse the above operations. I.e., the value to be monitored is model.total_loss - sum(model.losses).

Now, how to monitor this value is a bit tricky. Fortunately, the list of metrics used by a Keras model is not fixed until model.fit() is called. So you can append this value to the list, and it'll be printed on the screen during model fitting.

Here's a simple example:

input_tensor = Input(shape=(64, 64, 3))
hidden = Conv2D(32, 1, kernel_regularizer=l2(0.01))(input_tensor)
hidden = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(hidden)
out = Dense(1)(hidden)
model = Model(input_tensor, out)
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')

loss_no_weight_decay = model.total_loss - sum(model.losses)

When you run model.fit(), something like this will be printed to the screen:

Epoch 1/1
100/100 [==================] - 0s - loss: 0.5764 - loss_no_weight_decay: 0.5178

You can also verify whether this value is correct by computing the L2 regularization manually:

conv_kernel = model.layers[1].get_weights()[0]
print(np.sum(0.01 * np.square(conv_kernel)))

In my case, the printed value is 0.0585, which is indeed the difference between loss and loss_no_weight_decay (with some rounding error).

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Yu-Yang Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
