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How can I access an actor (e.g. AcceptanceTester) in a Codeception helper

when I use the AcceptanceHelper generated by codeception (_support/AcceptanceHelper.php), how can I access the Actor / AcceptanceTester ($I). And how can I access my functions from StepObjects?

I have:


namespace AcceptanceTester;

class MyStepObject extends \AcceptanceTester
public function deleteCookies(){
    $I = $this;

    $I->amGoingTo("delete all cookies...");
    $I->executeInSelenium(function(\WebDriver $webdriver) {$webdriver->manage()->deleteAllCookies(); });

public function loginUser($user,$password,$language = 'Untranslated')
    $I = $this; 

    $I->amGoingTo('fill the fields...');
    $I->fillField(\LoginPage::$usernameField, $user);
    $I->fillField(\LoginPage::$passwordField, $password);

In the class _support/AcceptanceHelper.php I want to call methods from the AcceptanceTester like $I->canSee('something') and I want to call my own methods (like 'login') from my StepObject.

I know I can get a specific module (e.g. the WebDriver) with $this->getModule('WebDriver'). But how can I get the AcceptanceTester / my StepObject?

like image 252
mcode Avatar asked Oct 02 '14 11:10


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1 Answers

Passing in the $I variable from the test. It's a bit verbose but works fine.

public function deleteCookies($I){...}

and then in tests write:


like image 51
dwenaus Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
