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PHP file_put_contents performance on 750 thousand lines text files



This PHP script adds lines into my text file (log):

file_put_contents($filename, $log .PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);

I am limiting log files to stay within 100Mb, thereafter a new file will be created; thus I expect aprox. 144 bytes per line and around 750000 lines per file.

I need to log actions and I need to log them fast. Does anyone know if file_put_contents performance will progressively be slower with such big files?

Maybe they are not big in size but certainly are big in the number of lines.

---- Update: ----

Based on Cully Larson suggestion here is the results of how much time file_put_contents took to write the exact same $string into a plain-text file. I am running WAMP server for Windows.

Line 000001 150bytes --> 0.00046801567077637 seconds
Line 000002 150bytes --> 0.00022101402282715 seconds
Line 000003 150bytes --> 0.00019407272338867 seconds
Line 000010 150bytes --> 0.00016212463378906 seconds
Line 000100 150bytes --> 0.00015997886657715 seconds
Line 001000 150bytes --> 0.00015687942504883 seconds
Line 010000 150bytes --> 0.00016403198242188 seconds
Line 100000 150bytes --> 0.00016617774963379 seconds
Line 250000 150bytes --> 0.0001678466796875 seconds
Line 500000 150bytes --> 0.00016283988952637 seconds
Line 750000 150bytes --> 0.00020289421081543 seconds


Hope this information helps someone else too.

like image 220
Jack M. Avatar asked May 27 '14 06:05

Jack M.

Video Answer

1 Answers

maybe they are not big in size but certainly are big in the no. of lines

does not matter. You are doing to append, not read-write.

like image 192
Marcin Orlowski Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10

Marcin Orlowski