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How can have my OpenCV settings made the default for all my Visual Studio C++ projects?

Having to manually editing the settings for every new project I create is quite tedious. And it is quite error prone so I sometimes forget to add something and a compile error happens.

Is it possible to set up Visual Studio so that the settings I need for OpenCV are automatically applied to every new project?

By the way, I'm using Visual Studio 2010.

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ThunderBalls Avatar asked Mar 19 '23 03:03


1 Answers

Certainly under VS2012 you can set properties in microsoft.cpp.win32.user and they become global. And according to this (and my vague memory) it works for VS2010 too: http://www.curlybrace.com/words/2012/12/17/setting-global-c-include-paths-in-visual-studio-2012-and-2011-and-2010/

However, what I do is have a property sheet with all the OpenCV settings in it and when I create a new project I add the property sheet. (actually I have two, one for debug and one for release, although if I used conditional properties I would only need one.). If I change versions of OpenCV I edit that property sheet and all my projects get the new settings.

Also see http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vsproject/archive/2009/06/23/inherited-properties-and-property-sheets.aspx

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Bull Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 19:04
