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How best to convince people to upgrade IE?

Ignoring installations where IE6 is mandated, consider segmenting your application, with basic (though non-buggy and usable) functionality available to IE6 users, and advanced functionality available only to newer browsers. Draw users to newer browsers with the promise of cool stuff.

You can't force them, especially if IT in their companies mandates IE6.

EDIT: I agree about educating people, but although someone is educated, he still can't upgrade unless IT allows it.

Well, you could always tell them it is 8 years old. Probably older than their TV or car. Most people will willing upgrade to a newer model if they can get it free. Just put it in terms of other things (like cars and TVs) to get them an idea of how old it really is. This should work well with upper management types as they lose alot of technical focus...usually. :)

Simple sales.

You have to find what motivates your users, and demonstrate to them how upgrading will benefit them.

The problem is for the users you're targeting (non-tech savvy usually, or else corporate policy bound), there isn't much to motivate them, other than scare tactics I suppose.

You could write very simple easy to maintain pages for IE only, and save the cool stuff for other browsers, and show them a preview of what another browser could do...

Here's a good one: Microsoft SharePoint 2010 will not support IE6.

This will force the majority of most large companies to upgrade.