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Flex auto margin not working in IE10/11

I have a complex layout where I center various elements vertically and horizontally with flexbox.

The last element then has margin-right:auto; applied to push the elements left (and negate centering them).

This works correctly everywhere except on IE10/11 and has been driving me crazy.

HTML/CSS sample:

#container {    display: -ms-flexbox;    display: -webkit-flex;    display: flex;        -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;    -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;    flex-flow: row wrap;        -ms-flex-pack: center;    -webkit-justify-content: center;    justify-content: center;        -ms-flex-align: center;    -webkit-align-items: center;    align-items: center;        -ms-flex-line-pack: center;    -webkit-align-content: center;    align-content: center;  }    #second-item {    margin-right: auto;  }    /* just some colors - not important */  #container {    height: 200px;    width: 100%;    background: red;  }  #container > div {    background: blue;    padding: 10px;    outline: 1px solid yellow;  }
<div id='container'>    <div id='first-item'>first item</div>    <div id='second-item'>second item</div>  </div>


You'll see two items on the screen that should be left-aligned on the side of the red parent (i.e. they should both be centered, but the last item has margin-right:auto; applied and is filling the entire line, pushing the other item and itself on the side) - this is the correct behaviour. Except in IE10/11 where both items are incorrectly centered i.e. the second item's margin-right:auto; is ignored.

Any IE/flexbox experts out there that have encountered something like this before?

like image 890
Michael Avatar asked May 30 '16 22:05


People also ask

Why is my auto margin not working?

margin: auto; , it will not work. This is because by default the block-level elements such as a div, p, list, etc take up the full width of its parent element, and no space is left to adjust the element horizontally. So, the very first thing you need to check is whether you have set the width of the element or not.

How margin Auto Works in Flexbox?

If you apply auto margins to a flex item, that item will automatically extend its specified margin to occupy the extra space in the flex container, depending on the direction in which the auto-margin is applied.

Does margin work with Flex?

Flexbox: Aligning with Auto Margins But we have an existing CSS property that we can use! And that's auto margins. We can use it to control the horizontal alignment of a specific element. Actually, you can also use auto margins to control the vertical alignment of a specific element.

How do you get auto margin?

You can set the margin property to auto to horizontally center the element within its container. The element will then take up the specified width, and the remaining space will be split equally between the left and right margins.

1 Answers

This appears to be an IE bug.

According to the flexbox specification:

8.1. Aligning with auto margins

Prior to alignment via justify-content and align-self, any positive free space is distributed to auto margins in that dimension.

Note: If free space is distributed to auto margins, the alignment properties will have no effect in that dimension because the margins will have stolen all the free space left over after flexing.

In other words, auto margins take precedence over justify-content.

In fact, if an element has auto margins applied, then keyword alignment properties such as justify-content and align-self have no effect (because the auto margins have taken all the space).

Your code works as expected in Chrome and Firefox because those browsers are in compliance with the spec.

IE10 and IE11 appear to not be in compliance. They are not applying the auto margin as defined in the spec.

(Note that IE10 is built on a previous version of the spec.)


Method #1: Use auto margins only

If justify-content is removed, auto margins work fine in IE10/11. So don't use justify-content. Use auto margins all the way through. (See examples of alignment with auto margins).

Method #2: Use an invisible spacer div

Create a third div with visibility: hidden and flex-grow:1. This will naturally shift #first-item and #second-item to the left edge, with no need for auto margins.

#container {    display: flex;    flex-flow: row wrap;    justify-content: center;    align-items: center;    align-content: center;  }  #third-item {    flex-grow: 1;    visibility: hidden;  }  /* just some colors - not important */  #container {    height: 200px;    width: 100%;    background: pink;  }  #container > div {    background: cornflowerblue;    padding: 10px;    outline: 1px solid yellow;  }
<div id='container'>    <div id='first-item'>first item</div>    <div id='second-item'>second item</div>    <div id='third-item'>third item</div>  </div>
like image 95
Michael Benjamin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Michael Benjamin