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Higher order functions in C

Is there a "proper" way to implement higher order functions in C.

I'm mostly curious about things like portability and syntax correctness here and if there are more than one ways what the merits and flaws are.

Edit: The reason I want to know how to create higher order functions are that I have written a system to convert PyObject lists (which you get when calling python scripts) into a list of C structures containing the same data but organized in a way not dependant on the python.h libraries. So my plan is to have a function which iterates through a pythonic list and calls a function on each item in the list and places the result in a list which it then returns.

So this is basically my plan:

typedef gpointer (converter_func_type)(PyObject *)

gpointer converter_function(PyObject *obj)
    // do som stuff and return a struct cast into a gpointer (which is a void *)

GList *pylist_to_clist(PyObject *obj, converter_func_type f)
   GList *some_glist;
   for each item in obj
       some_glist = g_list_append(some_glist, f(item));
   return some_glist;

void some_function_that_executes_a_python_script(void)
   PyObject *result = python stuff that returns a list;
   GList *clist = pylist_to_clist(result, converter_function);

And to clearify the question: I want to know how to do this in safer and more correct C. I would really like to keep the higher order function style but if that is frowned upon I greatly appreciate ways to do this some other way.

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Hobblin Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 03:03


People also ask

Does C have higher-order functions?

Although C is not the language that supports many FP concepts out of the box, higher-order functions can be implemented using function pointers and also with compiler support.

What is higher-order function example?

In simple words, A Higher-Order function is a function that receives a function as an argument or returns the function as output. For example, Array. prototype. map , Array.

What is the definitions of higher-order functions?

A higher order function is a function that takes a function as an argument, or returns a function . Higher order function is in contrast to first order functions, which don't take a function as an argument or return a function as output.

Why is it called higher-order function?

A function that accepts and/or returns another function is called a higher-order function. It's higher-order because instead of strings, numbers, or booleans, it goes higher to operate on functions.

2 Answers

Technically, higher-order functions are just functions that take or return functions. So things like qsort are already higher-order.

If you mean something more like the lambda functions found in functional languages (which is where higher order functions really become useful), those are quite a bit harder and can't be done naturally in current standard C. They're just not part of the language. Apple's blocks extension is the best candidate. It only works in GCC (and LLVM's C compiler), but they are really useful. Hopefully something like that will catch on. Here's a few relevant resources:

  • Apple's documentation on the feature (references some Apple-specific technologies and also addresses Objective-C, but the core block stuff is part of their extensionto C)
  • Here's a good intro on blocks
  • Cocoa for Scientists' overview of C blocks
like image 61
Chuck Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11


The big problem with implementing higher-order functions in C is that to do anything non-trivial you need closures, which are function pointers augmented with data structures containing local variables they have access to. Since the whole idea behind closures is to capture local variables and pass those along with the function pointer, it's hard to do without compiler support. And even with compiler support it's hard to do without garbage collection because variables can exist outside of their scope, making it hard to figure out when to free them.

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Gabe Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11
