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High number of live/dead tuples in postgresql/ Vacuum not working

There is a table , which has 200 rows . But number of live tuples showing there is more than that (around 60K) .

select count(*) from subscriber_offset_manager;
(1 row)

 SELECT schemaname,relname,n_live_tup,n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables  where relname='subscriber_offset_manager' ORDER BY n_dead_tup
 schemaname |          relname          | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup 
 public     | subscriber_offset_manager |      61453 |          5
(1 row)

But as seen from pg_stat_activity and pg_locks , we are not able to track any open connection .

SELECT query, state,locktype,mode
FROM pg_locks
JOIN pg_stat_activity
  USING (pid)
WHERE relation::regclass = 'subscriber_offset_manager'::regclass
 query | state | locktype | mode 
(0 rows)

I also tried full vacuum on this table , Below are results :

  • All the times no rows are removed
  • some times all the live tuples become dead tuples .

Here is output .

vacuum FULL VERBOSE ANALYZE subscriber_offset_manager;
INFO:  vacuuming "public.subscriber_offset_manager"
INFO:  "subscriber_offset_manager": found 0 removable, 67920 nonremovable row versions in 714 pages
DETAIL:  67720 dead row versions cannot be removed yet.
CPU 0.01s/0.06u sec elapsed 0.13 sec.
INFO:  analyzing "public.subscriber_offset_manager"
INFO:  "subscriber_offset_manager": scanned 710 of 710 pages, containing 200 live rows and 67720 dead rows; 200 rows in sample, 200 estimated total rows

 SELECT schemaname,relname,n_live_tup,n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables  where relname='subscriber_offset_manager' ORDER BY n_dead_tup
 schemaname |          relname          | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup 
 public     | subscriber_offset_manager |        200 |      67749

and after 10 sec

SELECT schemaname,relname,n_live_tup,n_dead_tup FROM pg_stat_user_tables  where relname='subscriber_offset_manager' ORDER BY n_dead_tup
 schemaname |          relname          | n_live_tup | n_dead_tup 
 public     | subscriber_offset_manager |      68325 |        132

How Our App query to this table .

  • Our application generally select some rows and based on some business calculation, update the row .

    select query -- select based on some id

    select * from subscriber_offset_manager where shard_id=1 ;

    update query -- update some other column for this selected shard id

  • around 20 threads do this in parallel and One thread works on only one row .

  • app is writen in java and we are using hibernate to do db operations .
  • Postgresql version is 9.3.24

One more interesting observation : - when i stop my java app and then do full vacuum , it works fine (number of rows and live tuples become equal). So there is something wrong if we select and update continuously from java app . –


These live tuples some times go to dead tuples and after some times again comes to live .

Due to above behaviour select from the table taking time and increasing load on server as lots of live/deadtuples are there ..

like image 417
Sahil Aggarwal Avatar asked Aug 14 '18 15:08

Sahil Aggarwal

People also ask

How do you remove a dead tuple?

To remove dead tuples, vacuum processing provides two modes, i.e. Concurrent VACUUM and Full VACUUM. Concurrent VACUUM, often simply called VACUUM, removes dead tuples for each page of the table file, and other transactions can read the table while this process is running.

What causes dead tuples in Postgres?

In PostgreSQL, whenever rows in a table deleted, The existing row or tuple is marked as dead ( will not be physically removed) and during an update, it marks corresponding exiting tuple as dead and inserts a new tuple so in PostgreSQL UPDATE operations = DELETE + INSERT.

What is difference between vacuum and vacuum full in PostgreSQL?

The biggest difference between Vacuum Full and Vacuum is that Vacuum Full physically deletes dead tuples and re-releases the released space to the operating system, so after vacuum full, the size of the table will be reduced to the actual space size.

How long does vacuum full take Postgres?

In our production deployments, vacuum operations often take at least 5-10 days. For various reasons, it's not uncommon for them to take 15-20 days, and we've seen some take upwards of 40 days.

1 Answers

I know three things that keep VACUUM from doing its job:

  • Long running transactions.

  • Prepared transactions that did not get committed.

  • Stale replication slots.

See my blog post for details.

like image 51
Laurenz Albe Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 11:09

Laurenz Albe