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Interfaces and Abstract classes confusion in Java with examples

I'm having trouble understanding when to use an interface as opposed to an abstract class and vice versa. Also, I am confused when to extend an interface with another interface. Sorry about the long post, but this is very confusing.

Creating shapes seems like a popular starting point. Let's say we want a way to model 2D shapes. We know that each shape will have an area. What would be the difference between the following two implementations:

with interfaces:

public interface Shape {
    public double area();

public class Square implements Shape{
    private int length = 5;
    public Square(){...}

    public double area()
         return length * length;

with abstract class:

abstract class Shape {
    abstract public double area();

public class Square extends Shape {
    private length = 5;
    public Square(){...}

    public double area(){
        return length * length;

I understand that abstract classes allows you to define instance variables and allows you to give method implementations whereas an interface cannot do these things. But in this case, it seems like these two implementations are identical. So using any one is fine?

But now say we want to describe different types of triangles. We can have an isosceles, acute, and right angle triangles. To me, it makes sense to use class inheritance in this case. Using the 'IS-A' definition: a Right Triangle "IS-A" Triangle. A Triangle "IS-A" Shape. Also, an abstract class should define behaviors and attributes that are common within all subclasses, so this is perfect:

with abstract class

abstract Triangle extends Shape {
    private final int sides = 3;
class RightTriangle extends Triangle {
    private int base = 4;
    private int height = 5;

    public RightTriangle(){...}

    public double area() {
        return .5 * base * height

We can do this with interfaces as well, with Triangle and Shape being interfaces. However, unlike class inheritance (using 'IS-A' relationship to define what should be a subclass), I'm not sure how to use an interface. I see two ways:

First way:

  public interface Triangle {
      public final int sides = 3;
  public class RightTriangle implements Triangle, Shape {
      private int base = 4;
      private int height = 5;

      public RightTriangle(){}
      public double area(){
          return .5 * height * base;

Second way:

public interface Triangle extends Shape {
     public final int sides = 3;
public class RightTriangle implements Triangle {

    public double area(){
         return .5 * height * base;

It seems to me like both of these ways work. But when would you use one way over the other? And are there any advantages to using interfaces over abstract classes to represent different triangles? Even though we complicated the description of a shape, using interface vs abstract class still seem equivalent.

A critical component to interfaces is that it can define behaviors that can be shared across unrelated classes. So an interface Flyable would be present in classes Airplane as well as in Bird. So in this case, it is clear that an interface approach is preferred.

Also, to build off of the confusing interface extending another interface: When should the 'IS-A' relationship be ignored when deciding on what should be an interface? Take this example: LINK.

Why should 'VeryBadVampire' be a class and 'Vampire' be an interface? A 'VeryBadVampire' IS-A 'Vampire', so my understanding is that a 'Vampire' should be a superclass (maybe abstract class). A 'Vampire' class can implement 'Lethal' to keep its lethal behavior. Furthermore, a 'Vampire' IS-A 'Monster', so 'Monster' should be a class as well. A 'Vampire' class can also implement an interface called 'Dangerous' to keep its dangerous behavior. If we wish to create a new monster called 'BigRat' which is dangerous but not lethal, then we can create a 'BigRat' class which extends 'Monster' and implements 'Dangerous'.

Wouldn't the above achieve the same output as using 'Vampire' as an interface (described in the link)? The only difference I see is that using class inheritance and preserving the 'IS-A' relationship clears up a lot of confusion. Yet this is not followed. What is the advantage of doing this?

Even if you wanted a monster to share vampiric behavior, one can always redefine how the objects are represented. If we wanted a new type of vampire monster called 'VeryMildVampire' and we wanted to create a vampire-like monster called 'Chupacabra', we can do this:

'Vampire' class extends 'Monster' implements 'Dangerous', 'Lethal', 'BloodSuckable'
'VeryMildVampire' class extends 'Vampire' class
'Chupacabra' class extends 'Monster' implements 'BloodSuckable'

But we can also do this:

'VeryMildVampire' extends 'Monster' implements Dangerous, Lethal, Vampiric
'Chupacabra' extends 'Monster' implements Dangerous, Vampiric

The second way here creates a 'Vampiric' interface so that we can more easily define a related monster rather than create a bunch of interfaces which define vampiric behaviors (like in the first example). But this breaks the IS-A relationship. So I'm confused...

like image 324
Carts Avatar asked Jul 09 '12 04:07


People also ask

WHAT IS interface and abstract class in Java explain with suitable example?

The interface keyword is used to declare interface. 6) An abstract class can extend another Java class and implement multiple Java interfaces. An interface can extend another Java interface only. 7) An abstract class can be extended using keyword "extends". An interface can be implemented using keyword "implements".

What is difference between abstract class and interface with real time example?

We can run an abstract class if it has main() method but we can't run an interface because they can't have main method implementation. Interfaces are used to define contract for the subclasses whereas abstract class also define contract but it can provide other methods implementations for subclasses to use.

What is the diff between interface and abstract class?

Type of variables: Abstract class can have final, non-final, static and non-static variables. The interface has only static and final variables. Implementation: Abstract class can provide the implementation of the interface. Interface can't provide the implementation of an abstract class.

2 Answers

Remember the basic concept when using abstract classes or interfaces.

Abstract classes are used when class to extended is more closely coupled to the class implementing it, i.e when both have a parent-child relation.

In example:

       abstract class Dog {}

       class Breed1 extends Dog {}

       class Breed2 extends Dog {}

Breed1 and Breed2 are both types of a dog and has some common behavior as a dog.

Whereas, an interface is used when implementing class has a feature it can take from the class to implemented.

     interface Animal {
         void eat();
         void noise();

     class Tiger implements Animal {}

     class Dog  implements Animal {}

Tiger and Dog are two different category but both eat and make noises ,which are different. So they can use eat and noise from Animal.

like image 171
sunny Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 17:11


Use an abstract class when you want to make one or more methods not abstract.

If you want to keep all abstract, use an interface.

like image 29
Ian Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 18:11
