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Help me make my windows cmd.exe console work more like a Linux terminal

The windows terminal (the user-interface around text-applications like cmd.exe) really sucks.

There is so much that the Unix-style terminals do that the windows terminal apparently cannot do, for example what if you want to re-size the window in both dimensions by dragging the border. The Windows terminal only allows you to change it's length.

Cut & Paste, on Linux or Unix, no problem - the selection box wraps around nicely so you can cut multi-line expressions. The Windows terminal (even in Quick-Edit mode) forces a bizarre rectangular selection box which is of no practical use - you have to re-format everything you copy in notepad!

What about the fact that any time I go into 'edit' mode it blocks the application - I'm sure there are people who want to be able to cut & paste without stopping the business-critical server.

I'm sure we can think of more faults if we put our minds to it - but lets not grumble.. what can we do to make this better?

Update: Just to clarify, I'm not looking to replace cmd.exe - Powershell & CygWin both provide better alternatives. I'm trying to replace the console application, the GUI that surrounds all text-applications in Windows.

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Salim Fadhley Avatar asked Jan 23 '09 17:01

Salim Fadhley

People also ask

How do I make a command look like a Linux terminal?

Customise and Colourise the Prompt As a frequent Linux Bash shell user I like a bit more flare and information to my prompt. Use notepad or notepad++ to open your existing shell-colour. cmd file in c:\terminal\cmd-scripts . Copy and save the following code hosted on Github to the shell-colour.

Can I use cmd as terminal?

Start the Windows Terminal from Command Prompt or PowerShell. If you find yourself inside the Command Prompt (CMD) or PowerShell, you can run the Windows Terminal from both. All you have to do is enter the command wt and press Enter. The Windows Terminal is immediately opened as a separate window.

Can I run Linux commands on Windows cmd?

The Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) allows you to run Linux inside Windows. The upcoming version of WSL will be using the real Linux kernel inside Windows. This WSL, also called Bash on Windows, gives you a Linux distribution in command line mode running as a regular Windows application.

Is cmd similar to Linux?

No the Command prompt is not same as the Linux shell you may find some commands resembling to those of the shell in Linux (terminal) however to get a more Linux shell like environment you can install cygwin or GOW (Gnu on Windows). It will give you a bash.

1 Answers

I personally use Console2 with the Bash shipped with MYSYS-Git.

You can also use PuTTY and SSH to a real linux box ;-)

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Lucas Jones Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10

Lucas Jones