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How can I show an "&" (ampersand) in button or label text?

I would like to show the & character, not the keyboard shortcut in the text property of a button or label.

Is there a way to do this?

like image 709
atrueresistance Avatar asked Sep 29 '11 18:09


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2 Answers

If you are trying to display & in button text, use &&. A single & is used for keyboard shortcuts, and a double ampersand will escape that.

The article Escape ampersand (&) character in C# mentions that you can leave the caption unaltered with single & and just set UseMnemonic property of the button to false.

like image 137
Bala R Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10

Bala R

Try double & (&&). It works with VBA code.

like image 6
Rashmi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 02:10
