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Haskell Thrift library 300x slower than C++ in performance test

I'm building an application which contains two components - server written in Haskell, and client written in Qt (C++). I'm using thrift to communicate them, and I wonder why is it working so slow.

I made a performance test and here is the result on my machine


C++ server and C++ client:  Sending 100 pings                    -    13.37 ms Transfering 1000000 size vector      -   433.58 ms Recieved: 3906.25 kB Transfering 100000 items from server -  1090.19 ms Transfering 100000 items to server   -   631.98 ms  Haskell server and C++ client:  Sending 100 pings                       3959.97 ms Transfering 1000000 size vector      - 12481.40 ms Recieved: 3906.25 kB Transfering 100000 items from server - 26066.80 ms Transfering 100000 items to server   -  1805.44 ms 

Why is Haskell so slow in this test? How can I improve it performance?

Here are the files:



namespace hs test namespace cpp test  struct Item {     1: optional string    name     2: optional list<i32> coordinates }  struct ItemPack {     1: optional list<Item>     items     2: optional map<i32, Item> mappers }   service ItemStore {     void ping()     ItemPack getItems(1:string name, 2: i32 count)      bool     setItems(1: ItemPack items)      list<i32> getVector(1: i32 count) } 


{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}    module Main where  import           Data.Int   import           Data.Maybe (fromJust)  import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict  as HashMap import           Network  -- Thrift libraries import           Thrift.Server  -- Generated Thrift modules import Performance_Types import ItemStore_Iface import ItemStore   i32toi :: Int32 -> Int i32toi = fromIntegral  itoi32 :: Int -> Int32 itoi32 = fromIntegral  port :: PortNumber port = 9090  data ItemHandler = ItemHandler  instance ItemStore_Iface ItemHandler where     ping _                   = return () --putStrLn "ping"     getItems _ mtname mtsize = do          let size = i32toi $ fromJust mtsize             item i = Item mtname (Just $ Vector.fromList $ map itoi32 [i..100])             items = map item [0..(size-1)]             itemsv = Vector.fromList items              mappers = zip (map itoi32 [0..(size-1)]) items              mappersh = HashMap.fromList mappers             itemPack = ItemPack (Just itemsv) (Just mappersh)         putStrLn "getItems"         return itemPack      setItems _ _             = do putStrLn "setItems"                                   return True      getVector _ mtsize       = do putStrLn "getVector"                                   let size = i32toi $ fromJust mtsize                                   return $ Vector.generate size itoi32  main :: IO () main = do     _ <- runBasicServer ItemHandler process port      putStrLn "Server stopped" 


#include <iostream> #include <chrono> #include "gen-cpp/ItemStore.h"  #include <transport/TSocket.h> #include <transport/TBufferTransports.h> #include <protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>  using namespace apache::thrift; using namespace apache::thrift::protocol; using namespace apache::thrift::transport;  using namespace test; using namespace std;  #define TIME_INIT  std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock::time_point start, stop; \                    std::chrono::duration<long long int, std::ratio<1ll, 1000000000ll> > duration; #define TIME_START start = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();  #define TIME_END   duration = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - start; \                    std::cout << chrono::duration <double, std::milli> (duration).count() << " ms" << std::endl;  int main(int argc, char **argv) {      boost::shared_ptr<TSocket> socket(new TSocket("localhost", 9090));     boost::shared_ptr<TTransport> transport(new TBufferedTransport(socket));     boost::shared_ptr<TProtocol> protocol(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));      ItemStoreClient server(protocol);     transport->open();      TIME_INIT      long pings = 100;     cout << "Sending " << pings << " pings" << endl;     TIME_START     for(auto i = 0 ; i< pings ; ++i)         server.ping();     TIME_END       long vectorSize = 1000000;      cout << "Transfering " << vectorSize << " size vector" << endl;     std::vector<int> v;     TIME_START     server.getVector(v, vectorSize);     TIME_END     cout << "Recieved: " << v.size()*sizeof(int) / 1024.0 << " kB" << endl;       long itemsSize = 100000;      cout << "Transfering " << itemsSize << " items from server" << endl;     ItemPack items;     TIME_START     server.getItems(items, "test", itemsSize);     TIME_END       cout << "Transfering " << itemsSize << " items to server" << endl;     TIME_START     server.setItems(items);     TIME_END      transport->close();      return 0; } 


#include "gen-cpp/ItemStore.h" #include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h> #include <thrift/server/TSimpleServer.h> #include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h> #include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>  #include <map> #include <vector>  using namespace ::apache::thrift; using namespace ::apache::thrift::protocol; using namespace ::apache::thrift::transport; using namespace ::apache::thrift::server;   using namespace test; using boost::shared_ptr;  class ItemStoreHandler : virtual public ItemStoreIf {   public:     ItemStoreHandler() {     }      void ping() {         // printf("ping\n");     }      void getItems(ItemPack& _return, const std::string& name, const int32_t count) {          std::vector <Item> items;         std::map<int, Item> mappers;          for(auto i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i){             std::vector<int> coordinates;             for(auto c = i ; c< 100 ; ++c)                 coordinates.push_back(c);              Item item;             item.__set_name(name);             item.__set_coordinates(coordinates);              items.push_back(item);             mappers[i] = item;         }          _return.__set_items(items);         _return.__set_mappers(mappers);         printf("getItems\n");     }      bool setItems(const ItemPack& items) {         printf("setItems\n");         return true;     }      void getVector(std::vector<int32_t> & _return, const int32_t count) {         for(auto i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i)             _return.push_back(i);         printf("getVector\n");     } };  int main(int argc, char **argv) {     int port = 9090;     shared_ptr<ItemStoreHandler> handler(new ItemStoreHandler());     shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor(new ItemStoreProcessor(handler));     shared_ptr<TServerTransport> serverTransport(new TServerSocket(port));     shared_ptr<TTransportFactory> transportFactory(new TBufferedTransportFactory());     shared_ptr<TProtocolFactory> protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocolFactory());      TSimpleServer server(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, protocolFactory);     server.serve();     return 0; } 


GEN_SRC := gen-cpp/ItemStore.cpp gen-cpp/performance_constants.cpp gen-cpp/performance_types.cpp GEN_OBJ := $(patsubst %.cpp,%.o, $(GEN_SRC))  THRIFT_DIR := /usr/local/include/thrift BOOST_DIR := /usr/local/include  INC := -I$(THRIFT_DIR) -I$(BOOST_DIR)  .PHONY: all clean  all:   ItemStore_server ItemStore_client  %.o: %.cpp     $(CXX) --std=c++11 -Wall -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H $(INC) -c $< -o $@  ItemStore_server: ItemStore_server.o $(GEN_OBJ)      $(CXX) $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -lthrift -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H  ItemStore_client: ItemStore_client.o $(GEN_OBJ)     $(CXX) $^ -o $@ -L/usr/local/lib -lthrift -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H -DHAVE_NETINET_IN_H  clean:     $(RM) *.o ItemStore_server ItemStore_client 

Compile and run

I generate files (using thrift 0.9 available here) with:

$ thrift --gen cpp performance.thrift $ thrift --gen hs performance.thrift 

Compile with

$ make $ ghc Main.hs gen-hs/ItemStore_Client.hs gen-hs/ItemStore.hs gen-hs/ItemStore_Iface.hs gen-hs/Performance_Consts.hs gen-hs/Performance_Types.hs -Wall -O2 

Run Haskell test:

$ ./Main&  $ ./ItemStore_client 

Run C++ test:

$ ./ItemStore_server& $ ./ItemStore_client 

Remember to kill server after each test


Edited getVector method to use Vector.generate instead of Vector.fromList, but still no effect

Update 2

Due to suggestion of @MdxBhmt I tested the getItems function as follows:

getItems _ mtname mtsize = do let size = i32toi $! fromJust mtsize                                   item i = Item mtname (Just $!  Vector.enumFromN (i::Int32) (100- (fromIntegral i)))                                   itemsv = Vector.map item  $ Vector.enumFromN 0  (size-1)                                   itemPack = ItemPack (Just itemsv) Nothing                                putStrLn "getItems"                               return itemPack 

which is strict and has improved Vector generation vs its alternative based on my original implementation:

getItems _ mtname mtsize = do let size = i32toi $ fromJust mtsize                                   item i = Item mtname (Just $ Vector.fromList $ map itoi32 [i..100])                                   items = map item [0..(size-1)]                                   itemsv = Vector.fromList items                                    itemPack = ItemPack (Just itemsv) Nothing                               putStrLn "getItems"                               return itemPack 

Notice that there is no HashMap sent. The first version gives time 12338.2 ms and the second is 11698.7 ms, no speedup :(

Update 3

I reported an issue to Thrift Jira

Update 4 by abhinav

This is completely unscientific but using GHC 7.8.3 with Thrift 0.9.2 and @MdxBhmt's version of getItems, the discrepancy is significantly reduced.

C++ server and C++ client:  Sending 100 pings:                     8.56 ms Transferring 1000000 size vector:      137.97 ms Recieved:                              3906.25 kB Transferring 100000 items from server: 467.78 ms Transferring 100000 items to server:   207.59 ms  Haskell server and C++ client:  Sending 100 pings:                     24.95 ms Recieved:                              3906.25 kB Transferring 1000000 size vector:      378.60 ms Transferring 100000 items from server: 233.74 ms Transferring 100000 items to server:   913.07 ms 

Multiple executions were performed, restarting the server each time. The results are reproducible.

Note that the source code from the original question (with @MdxBhmt's getItems implementation) will not compile as-is. The following changes will have to be made:

getItems _ mtname mtsize = do let size = i32toi $! fromJust mtsize                                   item i = Item mtname (Just $!  Vector.enumFromN (i::Int32) (100- (fromIntegral i)))                                   itemsv = Vector.map item  $ Vector.enumFromN 0  (size-1)                                   itemPack = ItemPack (Just itemsv) Nothing                                putStrLn "getItems"                               return itemPack  getVector _ mtsize       = do putStrLn "getVector"                               let size = i32toi $ fromJust mtsize                               return $ Vector.generate size itoi32 
like image 294
remdezx Avatar asked Oct 22 '13 08:10


1 Answers

Everyone is pointing out that is the culprit is the thrift library, but I'll focus on your code (and where I can help getting some speed)

Using a simplified version of your code, where you calculate itemsv:

testfunc mtsize =  itemsv   where size = i32toi $ fromJust mtsize         item i = Item (Just $ Vector.fromList $ map itoi32 [i..100])         items = map item [0..(size-1)]         itemsv = Vector.fromList items  

First, you have many intermediate data being created in item i. Due to lazyness, those small and fast to calculate vectors becomes delayed thunks of data, when we could had them right away.

Having 2 carefully placed $!, that represent strict evaluation :

 item i = Item (Just $! Vector.fromList $! map itoi32 [i..100]) 

Will give you a 25% decrease in runtime (for size 1e5 and 1e6).

But there is a more problematic pattern here: you generate a list to convert it as a vector, in place of building the vector directly.

Look those 2 last lines, you create a list -> map a function -> transform into a vector.

Well, vectors are very similar to list, you can do something similar! So you'll have to generate a vector -> vector.map over it and done. No more need to convert a list into a vector, and maping on vector is usually faster than a list!

So you can get rid of items and re-write the following itemsv:

  itemsv = Vector.map item  $ Vector.enumFromN 0  (size-1) 

Reapplying the same logic to item i, we eliminate all lists.

testfunc3 mtsize = itemsv    where        size = i32toi $! fromJust mtsize       item i = Item (Just $!  Vector.enumFromN (i::Int32) (100- (fromIntegral i)))       itemsv = Vector.map item  $ Vector.enumFromN 0  (size-1) 

This has a 50% decrease over the initial runtime.

like image 104
MdxBhmt Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10
