So I'm learning Haskell and I have a red-black tree with different types in red and black nodes implemented like this:
data Rbtree a1 b1 = EmptyTree | Node a1 (Rbtree b1 a1) (Rbtree b1 a1) deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
And now I need to define a functor instance for it. Because Rbtree
is a type constructor that takes two parameters I have to make an instance for Rbtree c
. And after this I'm stuck. My code now is something like this:
instance Functor (Rbtree c) where
fmap f EmptyTree = EmptyTree
fmap f (Node x left right) = Node x (fmap f left) (fmap f right)
As you could guess that does't compile. (compilation errors). I understand that fmap
for it has to be (a -> b) -> (Rbtree c) a -> (Rbtree c) b
and looking deeper for Node
part it has to be (a -> b) -> (Node c (Rbtree a c) (Rbree a c)) -> (Node c (Rbtree b c) (Rbree b c))
. What I do not understand is how to unfold left
and right
so i can apply f
only to part of it. I think I'm missing something here.
You can make your Rbtree
a Bifunctor
(see bifunctors
package) like this:
import Data.Bifunctor
data Rbtree a1 b1 = EmptyTree | Node a1 (Rbtree b1 a1) (Rbtree b1 a1)
instance Bifunctor Rbtree where
bimap _ _ EmptyTree = EmptyTree
bimap f g (Node x l r) = Node (f x) (bimap g f l) (bimap g f r)
With this instance you now have both first
and second
functions to map over red or black nodes (second
~ fmap
). Actually you can define Functor
instance like this:
instance Functor (Rbtree c) where
fmap = second
>>> let t = Node 1 (Node "hello" EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree
>>> bimap show length t
Node "1" (Node 5 EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree
>>> fmap length t
Node 1 (Node 5 EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree
>>> first show t
Node "1" (Node "hello" EmptyTree EmptyTree) EmptyTree
You can enforce all Red-Black tree invariants using GADTs and some type hackery (existential quantification, type arithmetic, data kinds). The properties are:
And here is example code:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, ExistentialQuantification,
KindSignatures, DataKinds #-}
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
data Color = Red | Black
data Node :: Color -> Nat -> * -> * where
Nil :: Node Black Zero a
RedNode :: a -> Node Black n a -> Node Black n a -> Node Red n a
BlackNode :: a -> Node c1 n a -> Node c2 n a -> Node Black (Succ n) a
data RBTree a = forall n. RBTree (Node Black n a)
deriving instance (Show a) => Show (Node c n a)
deriving instance (Show a) => Show (RBTree a)
instance Functor (Node c n) where
fmap f Nil = Nil
fmap f (RedNode x l r) = RedNode (f x) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
fmap f (BlackNode x l r) = BlackNode (f x) (fmap f l) (fmap f r)
instance Functor RBTree where
fmap f (RBTree t) = RBTree (fmap f t)
You can use it like this:
tree = RBTree $ BlackNode 3 (RedNode 4 Nil Nil) (RedNode 5 Nil Nil)
main = print $ fmap (*5) tree
RBTree (BlackNode 15 (RedNode 20 Nil Nil) (RedNode 25 Nil Nil))
But this won't compile:
tree = RBTree $ BlackNode 3 (RedNode 4 Nil Nil) (BlackNode 5 Nil Nil)
You will get a nice error message:
Couldn't match type `Succ Zero' with `Zero'
Expected type: Node Black Zero a0
Actual type: Node Black (Succ Zero) a0
In the return type of a call of `BlackNode'
In the third argument of `BlackNode', namely
`(BlackNode 5 Nil Nil)'
In the second argument of `($)', namely
`BlackNode 3 (RedNode 4 Nil Nil) (BlackNode 5 Nil Nil)'
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