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Direct translation of Haskell monad into Scala

Trying to learn how to program monads in Scala, got some troubles

Given the quick code sample

import Control.Monad

newtype LJ a = LJ { session :: a }

instance Monad LJ where
  return s = LJ s
  (>>=) m f = f ( session m )

instance Functor LJ where
  fmap f m = LJ . f $ session m

type SimpleLJ = LJ String

auth :: String -> String -> SimpleLJ
auth = undefined

readFeed :: String -> SimpleLJ
readFeed = undefined

closeFeed :: String -> SimpleLJ
closeFeed = undefined

proceed = auth "123" "456" >>= readFeed >>= closeFeed

how do I write the same thing in Scala (not scalaz)? As far as I learned, it's enough to implement map/flatMap methods in scala, but what is return here? And how to do binding without free variables in for statement?

like image 821
jdevelop Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 17:12


1 Answers

Here's an almost direct translation, which I believe should answer your question. It's not completely direct because it doesn't utilize typeclasses which are present in form of a pattern in Scala, because in the current case it would have only overcomplicated things without a real reason.

case class LJ[A]( session : A ) {
  // See it as Haskell's "fmap"
  def map[B]( f : A => B ) : LJ[B] = 
    LJ( f( session ) )
  // See it as Haskell's ">>="
  def flatMap[B]( f : A => LJ[B] ) : LJ[B] =
    f( session )

type SimpleLJ = LJ[String]

def auth( a : String, b : String ) : SimpleLJ = ???

def readFeed( a : String ) : SimpleLJ = ???

def closeFeed( a : String ) : SimpleLJ = ???

def proceed : SimpleLJ = 
  auth("123", "456").flatMap(readFeed).flatMap(closeFeed)

// Same as above but using a for-comprehension, which is 
// used as a replacement for Haskell's "do"-block
def proceed2 : SimpleLJ = 
  for {
    a <- auth("123", "456")
    b <- readFeed(a)
    c <- closeFeed(b)
  yield c

This solution demonstrates a classical object-oriented approach. With this approach you can't have the return function encapsulated in the LJ type because you end up working on another level - not on a type as with typeclasses, but on the instance of a type. So the LJ case class constructor becomes the counterpart of return.

like image 174
Nikita Volkov Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 22:12

Nikita Volkov