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Haskell combinations and permutation



I have three word in a list ["a","b","c"]. i want to find all possible combination in set 5,6 etc.

for example for set of 5 i would have

**[ [aaaaa],[aaaab],[aaaac], [aaabc] , ..... ]** etc 3 ^ 5 = 243 combinations

aaaaaa above will basically be "a","a","a","a","a" ....

like image 754
Waqas Avatar asked Mar 11 '12 20:03


2 Answers

Of course, nanothief's answer gives the shortest solution, but it might be instructive and fun to do it yourself.

There are many ways to write a function for the cartesian product. E.g. you can use list comprehensions:

prod :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
prod as bs = [a ++ b | a <- as, b <- bs]

Where (++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] -- see Data.List. Another possibility is to use the Applicative instance of list:

import Control.Applicative

prod as bs = (++) <$> as <*> bs

Now you need to apply this operation repeatedly. A fold can do this, e.g.:

rep :: Int -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
rep n as = foldr1 prod $ replicate n as

rep 3 ['a','b','c']

Understanding this solution might be more valuable than taking the replicateM short cut. That said, you could have found the latter easily using Hoogle.


For more on Functors and Applicative see definitions fmap (<$>) and ap (<*>). Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures can also be a good resource.

like image 120
Landei Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 08:10


replicateM does what you want:

> import Control.Monad
> replicateM 5 ["a", "b", "c"]
like image 29
David Miani Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10

David Miani