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Handle multiple pre-commit hooks




I have a need to use multiple pre-commit hook scripts. Not sure how to handle them. Should all of them be combined into one single large pre-commit script ? if not, how to handle multiple pre-commit scripts ?

like image 423
karthik101 Avatar asked Oct 29 '14 06:10


People also ask

How do you bypass pre-commit hook?

Use the --no-verify option to skip git commit hooks, e.g. git commit -m "commit message" --no-verify . When the --no-verify option is used, the pre-commit and commit-msg hooks are bypassed.

How do you run pre-commit on all files?

If you want to manually run all pre-commit hooks on a repository, run pre-commit run --all-files . To run individual hooks use pre-commit run <hook_id> . The first time pre-commit runs on a file it will automatically download, install, and run the hook.

Can you commit pre-commit hooks?

pre-commit hooks are a mechanism of the version control system git. They let you execute code right before the commit. Confusingly, there is also a Python package called pre-commit which allows you to create and use pre-commit hooks with a way simpler interface.

Where are pre-commit hooks stored?

The hooks are all stored in the hooks subdirectory of the Git directory. In most projects, that's . git/hooks .

1 Answers

Should all of them be combined into one single large pre-commit script ?

Yes and no: you can only declare one pre-commit script, so this script should be in charge to:

  • call the actual pre-commit scripts
  • chose an order for those scripts to be called.


  • one pre-commit script
  • calling multiple scripts, each one allowing or not (with their exit status) the commit to proceed.
like image 114
VonC Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10
