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Cloning git repository from svn repository, results in file-less, remote-branch-less git repo

Working SVN repo

I'm starting a git repo to interact with a svn repo. The svn repository is set and working fine, with a single commit of a basic README file in it.

Checking it out works fine:

tchalvak:~/test/svn-test$  svn checkout --username=myUsernameHere http://www.url.to/project/here/charityweb/ A    charityweb/README Checked out revision 1. 

Failed git-svn clone of svn repo

When I try to clone the repository in git, the first step shows no errors...

tchalvak:~/test$  git svn clone -s --username=myUserNameHere http://www.url.to/project/here/charityweb/ Initialized empty Git repository in /home/tchalvak/test/charityweb/.git/ Authentication realm: <http://www.url.to/project/here:80> Charity Web Password for 'myUserNameHere':  

...but results in a useless folder, containing no files, no branches, and no commits:

tchalvak:~/test$ ls charityweb tchalvak:~/test$ cd charityweb/ tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ ls tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ ls -al total 12 drwxr-xr-x 3 tchalvak tchalvak 4096 2010-04-02 13:46 . drwxr-xr-x 4 tchalvak tchalvak 4096 2010-04-02 13:46 .. drwxr-xr-x 8 tchalvak tchalvak 4096 2010-04-02 13:47 .git tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ git branch -av tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track) tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ git fetch fatal: Where do you want to fetch from today? tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ git rebase origin/master fatal: bad revision 'HEAD' fatal: Needed a single revision invalid upstream origin/master tchalvak:~/test/charityweb$ git log fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD' 

How do I get something I can commit back to? I expect I'm doing something wrong in this process, but what?

like image 653
Kzqai Avatar asked Apr 02 '10 18:04


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The git svn clone command transforms the trunk, branches, and tags in your SVN repository into a new Git repository. Depending on the structure of your SVN repo, the command needs to be configured differently.

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1 Answers

You used the -s option to git svn clone, but from your example, it doesn't appear that your Subversion repository is using the standard layout (i.e., trunk, branches, and tags directories at the repository root).

If that's the case, clone without -s.

like image 112
Greg Bacon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09

Greg Bacon