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Hadoop Datanode slave is not connecting to my master




Because of many error I can't figure it out why it's happening in not connecting datanode slave vm into my master vm. Any suggestion is welcome, so i can try it. And to start, one of them is this error in my slave vm log:

WARN org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.DataNode: Problem connecting to server: ubuntu-378e53c1-3e1f-4f6e-904d-00ef078fe3f8:9000

Because of this, I can't run the job that I want in my master vm:

hadoop jar ./share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar pi 2 5

which give me this error

org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(java.io.IOException): File /user/ubuntu/QuasiMonteCarlo_1386793331690_1605707775/in/part0 could only be replicated to 0 nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 0 datanode(s) running and no node(s) are excluded in this operation.

and even so, the hdfs dfsadmin -report(at master vm) gives me all 0

Configured Capacity: 0 (0 B)
Present Capacity: 0 (0 B)
DFS Remaining: 0 (0 B)
DFS Used: 0 (0 B)
DFS Used%: NaN%
Under replicated blocks: 0
Blocks with corrupt replicas: 0
Missing blocks: 0
Datanodes available: 0 (0 total, 0 dead)

For that, I build up on openstack 3 vms ubuntu, one for master and others slaves. in master, it's build up in etc/hosts localhost ubuntu-378e53c1-3e1f-4f6e-904d-00ef078fe3f8 slave1 slave2







And my slave vm file contains each line: slave1 and slave2.

All the logs from master vm contains no error, but when I use slave vm, it gives that error to connect. and the nodemanager gives me error too inside the log:

Error starting NodeManager org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException: java.net.ConnectException: Call From ubuntu-e6df65dc-bf95-45ca-bad5-f8ddcc272b76/ to failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused;

From my Slave Machine: core-site.xml




and on my /etc/hosts localhost ubuntu-e6df65dc-bf95-45ca-bad5-f8ddcc272b76 ubuntu-378e53c1-3e1f-4f6e-904d-00ef078fe3f8

The JPS master

15863 ResourceManager
15205 SecondaryNameNode
14967 NameNode
16194 Jps


1988 Jps
1365 DataNode
1894 NodeManager
like image 801
fsi Avatar asked Dec 11 '13 20:12


2 Answers

The cause all of the error showing, this below error is the main reason not been able to master connect to slave:

Error starting NodeManager org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRuntimeException: java.net.ConnectException: Call From ubuntu-e6df65dc-bf95-45ca-bad5-f8ddcc272b76/ to failed on connection exception: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused;

Basically, is the port of yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address, so I checked using lsof -i :8031, the port wasn't enable/open/allowed. Since I'm using OpenStack(cloud), added 8031 and other ports that was showing error and voilá, worked as intend.

like image 140
fsi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09


I struggled a lot, finally got after using "systemctl stop firewalld" before this I also disabled selinux and ipv6.

like image 34
HD User Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

HD User