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GUI Programming in LISP? [closed]

I did a fair amount of Lisp programming a few years back, but it was all really console-based things. I did use cells-gtk(2), but now that's really not maintained anymore and obviously we're Gtk3 now.

Does anyone know of a good Lisp library for GUI programming (I don't mind if which dialect).

like image 790
user2298964 Avatar asked May 04 '13 14:05


1 Answers

If you are into scheme check out chicken which gets compiled to C and has very good Foreign Function Interface support to call native C code. If you go down that path , a lot of options arise.

  • interfacing libGTK using FFI (easyffi example)
  • using the SDL egg
  • using the XLIB egg
  • using the cairo egg

good luck!

like image 97
ramrunner Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 07:10
