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When editing Lisp code, can emacs be configured to display each nested level of parentheses in a different color?




In other words, a block of code like this:

(setq initial-major-mode
  (lambda ()

... would come out looking like something like this:

alt text

If something like this already exists, what is it? And if it doesn't exist, how should I go about writing it?

like image 535
raldi Avatar asked Sep 26 '08 06:09


2 Answers

I think you are looking for something like mwe-color-box.el

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dsm Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09


There is the package rainbow-delimiters, which doesn't do exactly what you want, but does just colorize the parentheses - which is a nice subset and allows you to still see the other syntax highlighting provided by the major mode.

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Trey Jackson Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 08:09

Trey Jackson