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Gtk conversion to html

In order to have a OS with a uniform interface, allowing better mutual interoperabilities, I'm looking for a way to build a system in which all interface would be in html5.

For example, starting from the gtk library (in order to use the existing), it could be possible to translate code such as:

gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (window1), "the title");


document.title = "the title"

I would like to know if there were any tools that could help me achieve this goal


to clarify my question, and let understand what I'm looking for, I found this study

The first step may be to use/build a semantic ontology of what is formerly an ui. Then I could integrate the gtk library (or another desktop gui library) and the web interface languages into a same base. So I could make bijections between gtk and web methods.

I do not see that as a simple problematic, and I'm asking for ideas, tools, which could helps me.

like image 790
Gaël Barbin Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 20:10

Gaël Barbin

1 Answers

Once you introduce any complexity and interaction, you run into the need to convert from C\Python\Whatever-is-running-GTK into Javascript.

Your best bet is to do everything in native HTML5, have your "desktop app" be a wrapper for a web browser, which runs against (1) a remote website or (2) a local web server. Your "desktop app" would include a small web server, and automatically select an open port on localhost.

like image 94
Zach Riggle Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 15:11

Zach Riggle