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GROUP BY in Postgres - no equality for JSON data type?

I have the following data in a matches table:


I want to select each last distinct Team in the table by their name. i.e. I want a query that will return:


So each team from last time that team appears in the table.
I have been using the following (from here):

WITH t AS (SELECT id, json_array_elements(match->'Teams') AS team FROM matches)
SELECT MAX(id) AS max_id, team FROM t GROUP BY team->'Name';

But this returns:

ERROR: could not identify an equality operator for type json
SQL state: 42883
Character: 1680

I understand that Postgres doesn't have equality for JSON. I only need equality for the team's name (a string), the players on that team don't need to be compared.

Can anyone suggest an alternative way to do this?
For reference:

SELECT id, json_array_elements(match->'Teams') AS team FROM matches



EDIT: I cast to text and following this question, I used DISTINCT ON instead of GROUP BY. Here's my full query:

WITH t AS (SELECT id, json_array_elements(match->'Teams') AS team
           FROM matches ORDER BY id DESC)
SELECT DISTINCT ON (team->>'Name') id, team FROM t;

Returns what I wanted above. Does anyone have a better solution?

like image 295
janderson Avatar asked May 29 '15 00:05


1 Answers

Shorter, faster and more elegant with a LATERAL join:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (t.team->>'Name') t.team FROM   matches m, json_array_elements(m.match->'Teams') t(team); ORDER  BY t.team->>'Name', m.id DESC;  -- to get the "last" 

If you just want distinct teams, the ORDER BY can go. Related:

  • Query for element of array in JSON column
  • Query for array elements inside JSON type

JSON and equality

There is no equality operator for the json data type in Postgres, but there is one for jsonb (Postgres 9.4+):

  • How to query a json column for empty objects?
like image 195
Erwin Brandstetter Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 16:09

Erwin Brandstetter